Friday, September 28, 2012

A Quick Weekend Treat

When I was little, my dad would always cook us up some yummy treats... one that I remember being a family favorite was rice krispy treats! We loved it when we would find these homemade goodies in our lunch bags at school... so yummy! Well the other day I was watching the Pioneer Woman {ever watched her show before?! It is my fav!!} and she made homemade rice krispy treats... brought back so many memories!! And made me want to make a batch for Z ;) Turns out, these could not be easier to make. And an added bonus... I got the two main ingredients at the Dollar Tree, ha! A batch of gooey yumminess for about two bucks. Here is the super simple recipe...

Rice Krispy Treats
1/4 cup of butter
4 cups of mini marshmallows
5 cups of rice krispy cereal
a dash or two of vanilla
*I made mine in the microwave... you could totally heat the butter and marshmallows on the stove!*
Melt the butter... this took less than a minute in the microwave {stir half way through cooking time}. Add a dash or two of vanilla and the four cups of marshmallows and cook for another minute {again, stir half way through cooking and once melted}. In a large bowl, measure out the cereal. Pour on the melted marshmallow/butter mixture and stir until well combined. Grease a 13x9 dish, pour in the rice krispy mixture, and press until evenly distributed. Let cool until set and cut into squares.

Told ya'll it was easy! And yummy! And one more plus... for a sweet treat, it's pretty low cal! Wish I had a picture for ya, but my camera is dead right this minute :/ Oh well. Just go ahead and make a batch and see for yourself!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Tastes Like Fall

Ok y'all, I feel a bit like a broken record... but this is another post about pumpkin bread. I tried making it one more time... and this time it turned out perfect! Here is the recipe I used. It's a lot like the last recipe, with a few additions, and no cream cheese layer.

Pumpkin Bread
1 1/2 cups of flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon allspice {or pumpkin pie spice}
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 15 ounce can of pumpkin
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup of firmly packed brown sugar
2 eggs
1 stick of butter, very soft
1 teaspoon vanilla

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a large bowl, combine dry ingredients. In a separate bowl, mix butter, sugar, brown sugar, eggs, pumpkin, and vanilla. Once the pumpkin mixture is mixed well, add the dry ingredients slowly. Continue mixing until all ingredients are combined. I decided to make 3 small loaves {since I had a hard time getting the large loaf to cook last week}. Grease your loaf pans. Fill pans evenly. Cook for 50-60 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean and bread is slightly brown on top.

This bread really did turn out so yummy! It is soft, sweet, a little spicy... perfect! Well maybe this will end my obsession with all things pumpkin... And I promise no more pumpkin bread posts {at least for a while ;)}

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My First Sewing Project!

When Z and I got married, a sweet family friend gave me a sewing machine as a wedding gift. I was SO excited and could not wait to learn to sew... fast forward two years, and I still had not tried out my machine :/ So the other day, I decided to give it a go. I looked up youtube videos on setting up my machine... I read, re-read, and re-read again my machine guide... and I slowly got to sewing. It took most of a day just to figure out how to thread and install a bobbin {especially because I had no idea what a bobbin was, ha!} and how to thread the needle. Finally, after a few hours, my machine was ready for some sewin' ;) That first day I just worked on sewing straight lines trying to sew straight lines. I felt like I was getting the hang of it, and I was pretty excited to finally be using my sewing machine!!Well yesterday, I decided to try my first sewing project... I had a solid white tea towel and some scrap fabric, so I thought I'd cutesy that towel up! I found a tutorial on how to make a ruffle {which was a lot easier than I thought it would be!} and then got to work. Now, don't judge my stitching, ha! I'm still working on the whole straight stitch thing.... but from a distance I think my tea towel turned out super cute ;) {from a distance being the key words there!} So here it is... my very first sewing project!!

I started to add a close up of the ruffle and then thought better of it... like I said, still working on making straight stitches! The hardest part by far was sewing the ruffle on... maybe I'll find a better tutorial for that part. But overall I feel like this project was a success... and now I'm excited to try a few more soon!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Menu Planning Monday on a Tuesday ;)

Well I just didn't get around to posting yesterday... so today will be menu planning Monday Tuesday!

Monday- we had chicken quesadillas, Mexican rice and beans
Tuesday- chicken, tomato, and basil pasta with salad and bread
Wednesday- grilled chicken sliders with roasted potatoes
Thursday- baked chicken, yellow rice, roasted veggies
Friday- I'm sure we'll eat out somewhere ;)
Saturday- football snacks! {last Saturday I made beef and bean dip, turkey sliders, and bacon cheese fries.. so yummy but not so great for the waistline ;) maybe I'll lighten it up a bit this weekend!}

*There was a sale on boneless, skinless chicken... hence all of the chicken recipes! ha!
*I'm also planning to make another loaf of pumpkin bread... here's hoping it turns out yummier than last week!
*Also been wanting to make homemade rice krispy treats! {Wow I'm going to have to run a lot this week!}

Friday, September 21, 2012

Pumpkin Bread... Part 2

Well I have to be completely honest... my pumpkin bread was not all I thought it would be :/ It was good- just not amazing. But, I think I know where I went wrong. So if you plan to try out the recipe... take note of these changes I will make next time... first, don't put the whole can of pumpkin ;) actually follow the recipe on this part. I know, I never would have thought pumpkin bread could be too pumpkiny, but it was. Second, Go ahead and add some pumpkin pie spice. The original recipe calls for this, but of course I didn't have any. So I thought I'd just leave it out. Mistake. It definitely is missing that spiciness that the cloves, nutmeg, ginger, etc. in pumpkin pie spice would have added. I think the recipe could use two teaspoons of pumpkin pie spice and one teaspoon of cinnamon. Third, don't omit the brown sugar. Again, I didn't have any so I just left it out. It needs that extra sugar and I think the brown sugar would be the perfect addition. And fourth, go ahead and mix a whole egg with the cream cheese. My cheese mixture has an odd texture. I think the egg yolk would make it creamier which=a good thing! So there you go... I think if you follow these tips, this really could be so yummy! I'm definitely going to try this recipe again.... and actually follow the recipe this time ;) And while I'm on the subject of yummy pumpkiness... take a look at these little yummies...                           

Pinned Image
Pumpkin Spice Donut Holes... Oh my!
Have a good weekend friends!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Layered Pumpkin Bread

I finally got around to making some pumpkin bread! I decided to try a recipe that my mom gave me a while back for layered pumpkin bread. Um hello... pumpkin bread layered with cream cheese... yes please! I tweaked the recipe just a bit {had to make a few ingredient swaps} and got to cookin'... Don't worry, I'll share ;)
Here's all you'll need...

2 cups of flour... 1 cup of canned pumpkin {I went ahead and added the whole can ;)}... 1 cup plus 2 Tablespoons of sugar... 1/2 cup of brown sugar... 3 eggs... 2 1/2 teaspoons of baking powder... 1 teaspoons of cinnamon...2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice... 1/4 teaspoon of salt... 1/4 cup of melted butter... 1 8 oz. package of Neufchatel cheese {or cream cheese}... okay it's kind of a lot of ingredients, but so worth it!
Step one...
Combine the pumpkin, butter, cup of sugar, brown sugar, 2 eggs, and milk in a large bowl
Step two...
Add the flour, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon. Stir until just moistened. Set aside.
Step three...
Cream the cheese, 2 tablespoons of sugar, and egg with a wire whisk.
Step four...
Pour half of the pumpkin mixture into a greased 9x5 loaf pan.
Step five...
Spread the cream cheese mixture over the pumpkin layer.
Step six...
Pour the other half of the pumpkin mixture on top of the cream cheese layer. Bake at 350 degrees for one hour. Check to be sure the loaf is done. {Mine needed a good bit more cooking time!}
Step seven...
This deliciousness is still cooling... but my house smells twelve kinds of amazing! I can't wait to cut into it and see the layers all cooked together to perfection ;) I'll have to let ya know tomorrow just how yummy it really is!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Happy Birthday Z!!!

To my best friend and my love- happy birthday!! I am so thankful for you- for how hard you work for us, for always making me laugh, for being the best husband I could ever ask for! Can't wait to grow old with you babe! 
I love you so much!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Icing on the {Cup}cake

Since tomorrow is a certain someone's birthday, I decided to bake up a birthday treat! Growing up, birthdays always meant one thing... homemade cake ;) So I was super excited to make my Z some homemade cupcakes. I may have cheated on the homemade part when it came to the actual cakes {ahem-I used a box-ahem} but I wanted to make the icing from scratch. I used my Nana's recipe for her famous, fluffy white icing... and let me tell ya', it did not disappoint ;) This icing is so delicious and a bit dangerous because it is so light and not too rich. {So I literally can eat ate it with a spoon!} My Nana always makes this icing for her yummy red velvet cake at Christmas... it is definitely the perfect combination! But when my Mom was growing up, my Nana would always make her a chocolate birthday cake with this fluffy white icing. So I copy-catted for my Z and made chocolate cupcakes with the famous white icing. And now I'm going to share this delicious recipe with you!! It's pretty easy and always SO yummy!
Here is all you need for the icing... 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup of softened butter, 4 tablespoons of flour, 1 cup of milk, and 2 teaspoons of vanilla. I forgot to show both sticks of butter {yes, it calls for two- eek!}
Step one... cook the flour and milk over med-high heat until it thickens and begins to form a ball. Remove from heat and let cool completely. {This part is VERY important... one time I didn't let it cool and it was kinda disastrous}
Step two... cream the 2 sticks of softened butter with the sugar until well combined
Step three... add the *cooled* flour mixture one tablespoon at a time to the creamed butter and sugar. Continue mixing. Add the vanilla and beat until fluffy.
The icing should be light and fluffy. Check the consistency to be sure it is not gritty. Now you're ready for the cupcakes!
Don't skimp any... this stuff is too good! Thanks Nana for this yummy recipe!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Menu Planning Monday

So I haven't featured a menu planning Monday in a while... I have been cooking for the most part, but nothing too inspiring ;) So I decided to plan and share this week! And I'll try to post a few recipes soon!

+Monday+ shredded chicken tacos, rice and beans
+Tuesday+ taco soup and Mexican cornbread {the high tomorrow is 62! That is definitely soup weather!}
+Wednesday+ Out to eat for Z's birthday!
+Thursday+ baked chicken, sweet potato rounds, roasted brocoli
+Friday+ homemade mini pizzas
+Saturday+ football snacks- {possibly... taco dip, buffalo chicken tenders, turkey and cheese sliders...}

*also on the menu... pumpkin bread!! I have been obsessing over all things pumpkin ;) I'll share the recipe if it turns out yummy!!

Have a good week friends!

Thursday, September 13, 2012


The sixty degree {yes that said SIXTY} temperature outside has this girl all kinds of excited about fall! Be prepared for fall picture overload...
Caramel apple bites... what a great alternative to the toomessyandhardtoeat caramel apples!

Chicago in the fall ;)

Cute fall look from kendieveryday- love her!

How cute are these pillows?! Maybe another drop cloth project?!

Love these carved pumpkins!

And I really love this monogrammed pumpkin even more!

Nothing says fall like pumpkin bread ;)

Except for maybe Z's favorite- taco soup. I only make it when it's chilly outside. It's pretty much a rule or something!

So now I'm off to make something fallish... pumpkin bread, trick or treat pillows... who know?! Happy {almost} fall y'all!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Being Renewed

I feel like God is really speaking to me in so many ways right now. Or maybe I'm just finally listening ;) It seems like every time I open a book or talk to Z or have a great conversation with a sweet friend, I hear the Lord speaking to me so clearly. Being away from friends and family in a new city without my job that I loved so much has been hard to say the least. Also, since I haven't found a job here yet, I have had more time to complain be negative think. Which lately has become more time to listen. Which is a good thing! But more time doesn't always feel like a good thing right now. However, I think it's all in my perspective. I remember so many mornings that I would soo wish I didn't have to get up and go to work {at that job that I truly did love so much ;)}. I remember wishing the school day would hurry up so I could have well, "more time". I even remember wishing for summer so we could move to Chicago- ha! Looking back it seems funny that I ever had any complaints. Now I would love to have to get up {way too early} and go to school or teach a classroom full of firsties all day! So I wonder. A year from now, what will I be wishing for. If I have a new job {here's a hopin'} will I be wishing that I didn't have to get up and make it to work on time?! Probably. But why. Why do I choose to complain about the here and now and wish for what I already had? Here's to changing my perspective... no more wishing away or looking back. I have a bazillion things to be thankful for right here and right now! I read in one of my books yesterday that we should never put a comma where God puts a period {like holding on to something- ahem, my job- when God's asking us to let go} ... and we should never put a period where God puts a comma {not trusting His perfect plan, timing}. That is so me. I'm always trying to change up the grammar in my life and not just let God have the pen. Plus why would I choose to write my own story when the story He has already written for my life is so much greater?! So I'm giving it up... the negative outlook, pity-parties, the pen... and trusting that the Father really does know best!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Weekend Review and a Welcome Reminder

We had a great weekend!! The weather here was ah-ma-zing all weekend! It was just cool enough to enjoy that Pumpkin Spice Latte that was on my to-do list {it was just as yummy as I remembered!!} but not too cool for long walks. Perfect! Sadly, the Redbull Flugtag was cancelled :/ They cancelled it due to strong rip tides or something. We asked when it was rescheduled for, and they told us next year. So sad! But we decided since we were out and about we would watch the Bama game at the Houndstooth Saloon.!!! It was crazy seeing other Bama fans here in Chicago. Like true fans that know all the words to the fight song and Rammer Jammer ;) We are definitely planning to watch more games there for sure!
Moving on... I thought I would share something that the Lord used Z to remind me of this weekend. I was telling him how I really love Chicago but I just don't really feel like I "fit in" here. I could tell this bothered him and immediately regretted my word choice. He is working so hard for us here and the last thing I want to do is discourage him in anyway. But later he shared that what he was really thinking was how maybe we're not supposed to "fit in". As followers of Christ, I'm pretty sure I know he's right. The Lord tells us to be in this world but not of it. And fitting in is probably the definition of being of this world. It's not about where we live or if we fit in wherever we are, our hope is in the Lord and the promise of eternity with Him in heaven. This earth is not our home, so no, we probably won't fit in. But how much better to have the promise of a home that is so much greater than any we could ever know here on earth! I just wanted to share this because it was a welcome reminder for me. I was so thankful to Z for sharing his heart on the matter because it really changed my perspective! I'm so thankful that this is not our home... and neither is Alabama... how amazing to have our hope in the promise of one day being home with our Heavenly Father!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday Love List

It's always easier to come up with a love list on a Friday ;) Here are a few things I'm loving right now...

+I have been wanting a new Alabama t-shirt, but it's not like they sell those around here! So I decided to make a diy rtr{roll tide roll} shirt... Remember these pocket tees? Well I used the same idea to make these...
I used some fabric I already had {left over from my pocket tee creations!} and bought a package of v-neck undershirts from Target {5 for $13!}. The elephant is a little wonky, but pretty cute for my first try!
 I decided to make another one with a cute red paisley fabric for my mom!
 I think it turned out even cuter... {Okay so I might have made another one just like it for me too!} Yep, these new roll tide tees are definitely on my love list!

+Hello fall! Starbucks has their pumpkin spice lattes back on the menu!! A walk to Starbucks is definitely on our weekend to-do list ;) And pumpkin spice is on my love list for sure!

+This is probably a little strange to be on my love list. But...Please check out this event that is coming to Chicago tomorrow...

It is called the Redbull Flugtag... pretty much people try to make a handcrafted contraption that can fly! By the looks of the pictures, not many succeed ;) This event is coming to North Avenue Beach tomorrow and we are so going to be there! Going to the beach with Z and watching this hilariousness definitely made the love list ;)

+A little flashback roll tide with the fam!
Miss you guys! And we miss all of our family not in this picture too! ;)

+My sweet husband is always on the top of my love list! As is hanging out with him all.weekend!!!

 Happy Friday y'all!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Chevron Obsessed

So I might have a problem. I am obsessed with chevron. It all started when I recovered a chair last summer for my classroom in a yellow chevron print. It turned out super cute and I was in love from that point on! Now everytime I have to pick a fabric, print, etc., I go for the chevron. Just take a look at my most recent diy projects to see what I mean...
-My first project was a way to keep up with bill payments. I wanted to be able to have all of the due dates in one place. I remembered an adorable idea that a lot of teachers are using in their classrooms... using a frame as a dry erase board! So cute. So I made a printable {with a chevron background of course} that listed all of the bills that we have with room to write when each one is due. Then I put my new printable in a $3 frame {thank you Gardenridge!} and used a dry-erase marker to update my payment dates! Of course it helps that it turned out super cute with the chevron background and adorable fonts!

a close up... cute, right?
It is now hanging on the wall in our kitchen, easy to access, update, reference...

 -My second project was a print to go in our bedroom. That room still needs a lot of love, but it's coming along slowly! After my bill payment printable turned out so cute, I decided to make another printable to add some cuteness to our room. I figured this was a cheap way to have some art for our very blank walls! I found this verse on Pinterest a while back. It is just a portion of what Song of Solomon 3:4 says, but I really like this version ;) Again, I added a chevron background to my document and used some cute fonts to make a super cute printable! Z asked that I make the chevron print any color other than black {to save on the black ink} so I chose a soft blue. But when it was printed, you could not see the chevron at all. Well since I have some extra time on my hands right now, I decided just to color in the chevron print. Crazy I know. But I do love the way it turned out. Grey is possibly my favorite color right now, and chevron in my favorite pattern, so the combination=love!
I put the print in a silver-ish frame that I already had

Sorry for the terrible pic, but I wanted to show what it looks like hanging in our room!
So now you know about my obsession. I'm really wanting to make a few pillows with some chevron fabric. Or maybe curtains for the bedroom with grey chevron. Too much, no? I'm sure more diy projects to come ;)