Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Being Renewed

I feel like God is really speaking to me in so many ways right now. Or maybe I'm just finally listening ;) It seems like every time I open a book or talk to Z or have a great conversation with a sweet friend, I hear the Lord speaking to me so clearly. Being away from friends and family in a new city without my job that I loved so much has been hard to say the least. Also, since I haven't found a job here yet, I have had more time to complain be negative think. Which lately has become more time to listen. Which is a good thing! But more time doesn't always feel like a good thing right now. However, I think it's all in my perspective. I remember so many mornings that I would soo wish I didn't have to get up and go to work {at that job that I truly did love so much ;)}. I remember wishing the school day would hurry up so I could have well, "more time". I even remember wishing for summer so we could move to Chicago- ha! Looking back it seems funny that I ever had any complaints. Now I would love to have to get up {way too early} and go to school or teach a classroom full of firsties all day! So I wonder. A year from now, what will I be wishing for. If I have a new job {here's a hopin'} will I be wishing that I didn't have to get up and make it to work on time?! Probably. But why. Why do I choose to complain about the here and now and wish for what I already had? Here's to changing my perspective... no more wishing away or looking back. I have a bazillion things to be thankful for right here and right now! I read in one of my books yesterday that we should never put a comma where God puts a period {like holding on to something- ahem, my job- when God's asking us to let go} ... and we should never put a period where God puts a comma {not trusting His perfect plan, timing}. That is so me. I'm always trying to change up the grammar in my life and not just let God have the pen. Plus why would I choose to write my own story when the story He has already written for my life is so much greater?! So I'm giving it up... the negative outlook, pity-parties, the pen... and trusting that the Father really does know best!

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