Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Love List

Since yesterday's post was kind of a downer, I thought I'd be a bit more upbeat and talk about all of the things that I'm loving right now!

+I L.O.V.E. my new diy pocket t-shirt!!
Thanks to my sweet cousin's blog post at This and That, I was inspired to try my own pocket tee... and I love it them! {I couldn't stop at just one ;)}

They really were super simple to make and the possibilities are endless... I feel another Target and JoAnns trip in my near future ;)

+I also love.love.love the fun card/surprise I got in the mail from a sweet friend... isn't this the cutest idea?!
There were actually 5 hair-bands... the fifth one happens to be in my hair ;)

+I am loving my new coffee mug from Target... I think my coffee taste better in a cute mug! ;)

+I love how the Lord always meets me right where I am... I found a devotional book that I bought years ago and never read... I started reading it last week and realized there couldn't be a better time for it than right now. Such a blessing!

+I love all of the friends and family that we have gotten to see here recently!!
Who is going to be our next visitor?!?!

+I LOVE that a week from today we will be flying home for our friends' wedding!! Can.not.wait!

+I am really loving the weather forecast for the rest of this week here in Chi-Town... the high for Thursday and Friday is in the seventies!! Haven't seen that kind of weather during August in a long time ever!

+And last but not least,  I'm so.in.love with this guy right here...

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