Thursday, September 13, 2012


The sixty degree {yes that said SIXTY} temperature outside has this girl all kinds of excited about fall! Be prepared for fall picture overload...
Caramel apple bites... what a great alternative to the toomessyandhardtoeat caramel apples!

Chicago in the fall ;)

Cute fall look from kendieveryday- love her!

How cute are these pillows?! Maybe another drop cloth project?!

Love these carved pumpkins!

And I really love this monogrammed pumpkin even more!

Nothing says fall like pumpkin bread ;)

Except for maybe Z's favorite- taco soup. I only make it when it's chilly outside. It's pretty much a rule or something!

So now I'm off to make something fallish... pumpkin bread, trick or treat pillows... who know?! Happy {almost} fall y'all!

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