Are there really only ten more days until Christmas?! Stop.the.madness! We have been crazy busy, and I don't see that changing anytime soon ;) But that's okay with us! We're excited to head back to Alabama next weekend to spend Christmas with our families... can't wait!!! And we're also excited for the warmer temperatures when we get there ;) It has been SO cold here lately. We haven't had a day above freezing in about ten days... brr. Last week, my class only got to go outside one time, and we go out as long as it feels like at least 20 degrees. Like I said, it's been COLD! Friday was better, it reached the mid twenties {so we got to go out!} And it actually felt so much better, ha! Crazy how warm 20 can feel after a few mornings of 5 or below!!
Anyways, besides the cold, we also got more snow. {That part I don't mind too much ;)} It snowed ALL day Saturday, which made for such a cozy day at home! {I do prefer weekend snow days since school is never canceled, haha} Here are a few pictures of our winter wonderland...
Our poor car! |
Our neighbor's steps... |
All bundled up! |
The little shrubs in our front "yard" were completely covered! |
We did venture out Saturday night with our friends to see Christmas lights. But not just any lights, we set out to find THE HOME ALONE house!!! And we weren't the only ones either, ha! There were quite a few other cars doing the same thing we were... taking pictures ;) It's in a beautiful suburb of Chicago, about 30 minutes away. The houses in this neighborhood are fabulous, to say the least. {The home alone house even looked kind of small compared to the surrounding houses!!} It was pretty fun to see it in real life. We wanted to get out and get a picture, but it looked like they were having a party?! So we just snapped a quick one instead...
Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal! |
Moving on... I've mentioned before about my love for Trader Joes. Well, every time you buy something there, they use doubled up paper bags, {Not sure whey they always use two?!} the nice sturdy kind. And I never want to throw them away. So we have quite a stash of Trader Joes paper bags. What to do with all those bags?!! Wrap Christmas presents, of course! ;)
I saw a few pictures on Pinterest that gave me the idea... plus our crazy abundance of paper bags. So this year I only bought a few pieces of scrapbook paper and some yarn, and we are reusing our Trader Joes bags! And I really like how our gifts turned out!! So if you ever have an abundance of paper bags, you can always use them for wrapping paper, ha! Hope you have a great week friends!
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