Monday, December 16, 2013

Happy Monday!

I'm off work today... so it's a happy Monday, indeed ;) I don't know if I've even blogged about my new teaching role at my little school. Starting in January, I'll be lead teaching in the pre-k classroom! I'm really excited, a little anxious, and pretty busy getting ready to switch classrooms! Also, I had to use up my personal days before our Christmas break, so I took today off... no one really likes to work on Mondays anyways, right?! What's on my to-do list on this day off??? Well, I have a little shopping left to do, a lot of wrapping left to do, laundry and cleaning to get ready for our trip next weekend, and some baking for my small group party tonight! I also have the rest of the Today show to watch and a big cup of coffee to drink ;) Plus, it was only 6 degrees when Z left for work, so I didn't hate the fact that I was cozied up on the couch with TWO blankets, ha! Hope you have a lovely Monday as well!

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