Monday, December 9, 2013

Snow Day and Other Randomness

Happy Monday! We had a wonderful weekend. SO cold, but good. Friday evening I took the train to meet Z downtown near his work. We met up with some friends at a restaurant down there and then headed to the Christkindle German Christmas market! So much fun!!! It was FREEZING! But, thankfully we were bundled up, and we enjoyed some hot mulled wine. It was nice to get back home and thaw out though ;) Saturday we had a super lazy morning. It was nice to lounge around in our warm pjs. Z helped me do some online Christmas shopping for a few people on our list, and then we headed out to do a little more shopping around our apartment. We grabbed a Starbucks first, because shopping is always better with coffee ;) {especially when it's 20 degrees!} Later Saturday night we made a homemade pizza and headed to our friends' apartment to watch some football. It was a bummer that we weren't watching the Tide :/ but oh well. Sunday brought more cold weather and some SNOW! We took the bus to church since it was too cold to walk. It started snowing while we were in church and didn't stop until late last night! So pretty! If only we got snow days off of work around here, ha! Here are a few pictures from our snowy day...
Waiting for the bus after brunch with friends... Brr!
Our snowy street
There were a few inches by the time we went to bed
In front of our apartment this morning
It didn't snow anymore today... but it is still so cold. It was 24* when we woke up, and that was the warmest it got all day. I'm a little afraid this might be a long winter!
In other news besides the weather... I feel like between now and when we head home for Christmas is going to be CRAZY! This week we have our "pageant" at school where the kiddos perform cute little songs for their parents, etc. And next week we have a Holiday party at work and a work related volunteer engagement {that is required, ha} plus a Christmas dinner with my small group and lots of Christmas lights to see, gifts to buy and wrap, and movies to watch with Z ;)... I guess that's what you call "holiday hustle and bustle"!! Hope you have a great week friends!

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