Wednesday, December 4, 2013

It's Beginning to Feel a Lot Like Christmas...

Okay so it really doesn't feel like Christmas to me!? Somehow Thanksgiving is already over and it's December. We had such a great trip home seeing family for thanksgiving... it went by way too fast! But we loved every second {except for maybe that last second of the iron bowl game :/ but we won't talk about that..} So now I guess it's time to get in the Christmas spirit! Last night we went to get our Christmas tree. I had started thinking that maybe we just shouldn't get a tree this year. We're only going to be here for about three weeks before we head back to Alabama... and we do live in only 600 square feet... but alas it just wouldn't be Christmas without a tree ;) I really wanted to get our tree from the cutest little tree stand on the corner down the road. I swear it's straight out of a movie... {This is a terrible picture of me, but it kind of shows the cuteness...}
 Well it turns out that trees there are expensive... The teeny tiny ones were $55! So we headed to Home Depot {where we always end up getting our tree, ha!}. We looked at the normal size trees, and decided they would completely dominate our apartment. And then we found this...
The perfect little tree. It was priced at $24, which we thought was a pretty good deal. And then when we were paying for it, it rang up for $14!! A perfect little cheap tree ;)

And I think it fits in just right! I can't wait to decorate it... it should be interesting to see how all of our ornaments fit?! Haha!!

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