Monday, March 18, 2013

Weekend Review

It's the week before spring break!!! In 5 days I'm flying to sweet home Alabama!!!! Which also means I'm leaving Z for a whole week... so we made sure to spend plenty of time together all weekend :) 
Friday night we went out for some pizza. We wanted to try Piece Pizza in Bucktown, but the wait was 2 hours... um no thanks! So we tried Santullos Pizza down the street. It was yummy New York style pizza!
 The pieces were HUGE!
Love dates with Z!!
On Saturday, we went out with Joe and Lolly to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. It's kind of a big deal here in Chicago... there's a parade, they turn the river green, everyone is decked out in green, crazy! {Although it didn't seem quite as crazy as last year in Savannah with Katie!!} 

I forgot to mention that we celebrated St. Patty's Day at school on Friday. One of my favorite school days ever!!! Life is so magical when you're 3 or 4 years old... especially when Lucky the leprechaun leaves you notes and footprints ;) We spent most of the day looking for him and making a trap, ha! So cute!!!
I'm counting down until spring break and until I can see my family!!!! I'm also pretty excited to feel some warm sunshine, maybe even wear some sandals?!! Snow boots and coat are staying in Chi-town ;)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday to Z's mom!!! We hope you have had a fabulous day... and we really wish we could be there to celebrate with you!! Love you lots!
Love, Z and B

Friday, March 8, 2013

Spring Is In the Air

Okay so I don't guess technically 37 degrees should count as "spring" in the air... but the sun is out and it's above freezing, so I think it's close enough ;) The past two days have been so beautiful! It's amazing how much a sunny day can improve your mood! We did end up getting quite a bit of snow the other day/night. It was just light flurries when I got to work... 5 hours later, this is what I walked out to...
 Yep, the road I was parked on was completely covered!
 And it took a while to clear my car! It was still snowing so hard that by the time I finished, the windshield had to be scraped again, ha!
 I was a little nervous about driving home. The worst part was actually getting out of that parking spot because of the mounds of snow surrounding all sides of my car! Thankfully, they keep the main roads pretty clear, so the drive wasn't bad. 
It ended up snowing all night. I think we got around 9 inches maybe?! It took Z quite a while to scrape our car the next morning! Here is a picture I took the next day of the park {Lincoln Park} right by my school. So pretty!!!
So that was the most snow I've seen so far. And in March no less. It was really pretty... I do wish we had gotten a snow day, but oh well! ;) {Funny that we got 9 inches of snow and no days out of school!} But I think I'm ready for Spring now. One of my little girls at school told me she heard the birds singing about spring, so it must be close!! I hope she's right!
Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Little Pinspiration

So one of my new favorite blogs is called "Pinterest Told Me To"... The blogger takes outfits that she pins and recreates them with items in her closet. So cute! It made me think that I should really start mixing and matching things in my closet instead of always wanting to buy new stuff. So I've started pinning outfits that I genuinely intend to recreate {and quite a few that I wish I could recreate, ha!}. I am terrible about taking pics when I wear these said outfits, so I've never blogged about it. Plus, it's so awkward to take photos of yourself. But regardless, I was at Old Navy yesterday replacing my favorite jeans that ripped this weekend :/ and I snapped a quick picture of my outfit... since it was inspired by pinterest and all ;)
First the original pin... I have loved this outfit since I first saw it back in the fall. I love the stripes, boots, mustard yellow... love it all!
And here is my recreation... it's a little different because I have a skirt instead of a dress... but I think it still works!
I found this skirt at Forever 21 for $7 back when I needed something to weat to the Nutcracker Ballet. It is super comfy and pretty versatile! {I paried it with a peplum top and heals for the ballet ;)} I wore this to work and got a lot of compliments all day on my outfit! So I'll count it as a pinspiration success ;)

Monday, March 4, 2013

Weekend Review

We had a really good weekend... and I cannot believe it's already over! I feel like we play catch up all weekend... laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping... But I'm so glad we have weekends to catch up ;) Friday we picked up good ol' Chic-Fil-A. So yummy every.single.time! Also always reminds me of home... one of the few places we loved there that we have here. And then would you believe we were in bed before 10pm on Friday?! Crazy. But it felt great to get some good sleep. Saturday Lolly and I took the train to Michigan Avenue and shopped a little. We didn't really find buy much ;) We found plenty of things we wanted, but we practiced a little self control, ha! Sunday, we went to church at Park Community {the one by our old apartment} and then ate brunch at the cutest, yummiest little place in Lincoln Park- Jam 'n Honey. It was delicious, plus I love the name! Z was a bit skeptical and thought it might be a little "girly", but he quickly changed his tune once the food arrived. It did not disappoint! Here's a few pics I snapped at brunch while we were waiting for a table...

So that was pretty much our weekend! Supposedly we're going to get a lot of snow tomorrow. It's March, and I'm a little ready for Spring, but whatever. We're actually under a winter storm warning for the first time since we moved here... and a few schools are even closed tomorrow {unfortunately not my cute little school :/} I feel like they usually over-prepare everyone... so we'll see how much we actually get! Have a great week!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Weekend Love List!

First... Happy birthday {a day late} to Z's dad!! We miss you and wish we were there to celebrate with you!!!!

Second, so thankful it's the weekend!!! I woke up Wednesday and thought it was Friday... so you can imagine how long the rest of the week seemed, ha! 
And now, here are a few things in loving right now...

-It's March!!! Spring is around the corner... and so is spring break! We still have a few inches of snow on the ground, so it doesn't look or feel very springy yet. But I have high hopes ;)

-I'm truly loving my new job! I loved teaching in Alabama so much, and I still miss everyone at ACA SO much... but I really do love the little school I'm at here, and I love going to work there everyday!

-I love hot tea with honey in the mornings. I still love coffee, but lately I've been drinking hot tea, so yum!

-I really love shopping at Trader Joes. Ever been to one? I thought it would be way overpriced, but they actually have amazing deals! Plus I can find certain things there that I can't find at Target or other stores!

-I love manicures ;) I have indulged the last two weeks in getting one, and I think it's a $10 well spent! This week I chose a bright red Essie polish, and it makes me happy just looking at my nails, ha!

-I love this chambray tunic I just ordered from Gap! I hope it looks as cute on as it does in this picture! Plus with the online discount at Gap, it ended up being a good deal!
{I just realized this isn't the actual shirt I ordered... but it's cute too, ha!}

-I really want and really love this polka dot top from J Crew! Too cute!! But I don't love that price... especially considering that is supposed to be the sale price. I'll have to wait for clearance ;)

Have a great weekend, friends!