Monday, March 4, 2013

Weekend Review

We had a really good weekend... and I cannot believe it's already over! I feel like we play catch up all weekend... laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping... But I'm so glad we have weekends to catch up ;) Friday we picked up good ol' Chic-Fil-A. So yummy every.single.time! Also always reminds me of home... one of the few places we loved there that we have here. And then would you believe we were in bed before 10pm on Friday?! Crazy. But it felt great to get some good sleep. Saturday Lolly and I took the train to Michigan Avenue and shopped a little. We didn't really find buy much ;) We found plenty of things we wanted, but we practiced a little self control, ha! Sunday, we went to church at Park Community {the one by our old apartment} and then ate brunch at the cutest, yummiest little place in Lincoln Park- Jam 'n Honey. It was delicious, plus I love the name! Z was a bit skeptical and thought it might be a little "girly", but he quickly changed his tune once the food arrived. It did not disappoint! Here's a few pics I snapped at brunch while we were waiting for a table...

So that was pretty much our weekend! Supposedly we're going to get a lot of snow tomorrow. It's March, and I'm a little ready for Spring, but whatever. We're actually under a winter storm warning for the first time since we moved here... and a few schools are even closed tomorrow {unfortunately not my cute little school :/} I feel like they usually over-prepare everyone... so we'll see how much we actually get! Have a great week!

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