Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Little Pinspiration

So one of my new favorite blogs is called "Pinterest Told Me To"... The blogger takes outfits that she pins and recreates them with items in her closet. So cute! It made me think that I should really start mixing and matching things in my closet instead of always wanting to buy new stuff. So I've started pinning outfits that I genuinely intend to recreate {and quite a few that I wish I could recreate, ha!}. I am terrible about taking pics when I wear these said outfits, so I've never blogged about it. Plus, it's so awkward to take photos of yourself. But regardless, I was at Old Navy yesterday replacing my favorite jeans that ripped this weekend :/ and I snapped a quick picture of my outfit... since it was inspired by pinterest and all ;)
First the original pin... I have loved this outfit since I first saw it back in the fall. I love the stripes, boots, mustard yellow... love it all!
And here is my recreation... it's a little different because I have a skirt instead of a dress... but I think it still works!
I found this skirt at Forever 21 for $7 back when I needed something to weat to the Nutcracker Ballet. It is super comfy and pretty versatile! {I paried it with a peplum top and heals for the ballet ;)} I wore this to work and got a lot of compliments all day on my outfit! So I'll count it as a pinspiration success ;)

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