Thursday, October 25, 2012

Piece of Cake

No really... check out this piece of cake that we got last night!
Biggest piece of cake {chocolate mousse cake to be exact} that I have EVER seen! {Yes... even bigger than the Buca di Beppo cake... cah-razy!} We decided to check out Gibsons last night to celebrate our two year anniversary, and let me tell ya... it did not disappoint! It was so very "Chicago". Even our waiter looked like he stepped straight out of a movie, complete with his thick Chicago accent and witty charm. Plus, we had the best steaks I think I've ever tried. Not to mention this monster!! {Which was on the house by the way!!} So yeah... if you're ever in Chicago, you should check out Gibsons! {And we did not even come close to making a dent in that thing in case you were wondering ;)}

On to another topic that was not such a piece of cake... my second sewing project! I didn't really step too far out of the box on this one... I made another tea towel, ha! But I did cutesy this one up with a letter appliqué and some fabric rosettes. Still working on my stitch work... 

And one last thing... I was watching the Today show this morning when the local weather came on... and this is what I saw...

Please note the word SNOW that shows up on Tuesday and Wednesday... um what?! So.not.ready.for.that!


Unknown said...

SNOW ....are you talking about me.?

Unknown said...

Ha! I wish Mimi... we would love for you to come visit ;) Just not ready for the other kind of snow yet!

Unknown said...

Love the Tea towel. Cute,
I'm coming to see you . Soon, I hope.