First, an update... thankfully snow was no longer in our forecast ;) We're still talking pretty cold weather... but no fluffy white stuff quite yet!
Okay... back to what I'm loving right now. With Halloween right around the corner, I decided to stick to that theme ;)
First, look how adorable these pumpkins are from YoungHouseLove! This was a project they thought of so they could include their toddler in the pumpkin decorating fun... but I totally would love this project too ;)
I really love this owl lantern that I found for $2.50 at Target!! Can't beat cute and cheap!
How could you not LOVE this adorable Halloween costume?!
I really love this fall-licious outfit! So cute! {Not exactly Halloweenish but too cute not to include!}
I'm also loving that it's Friday... and that means a whole weekend with Z ;) Our weekend plans include a drive along Lake Michigan... Some pumpkin decorating... bundling up for a walk around the city... and celebrating Bama's homecoming 700 miles away! Have a good weekend friends!
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