Thursday, February 4, 2016

Catch Up Pt.7

In July, I went to Vegas for one of my besties' bachelorette trip!! I have never been to Vegas nor did I ever think I would go... especially pregnant ;) I knew I wanted to tell my best friends that I was preggo before the trip.. I didn't want to take away from the big weekend and I figured they would wonder why I wasn't drinking! So I sent a group text that said something like "Remember that time I got preggo right before we went to Vegas for Kelli's bachelorette trip?!?!" Cue the "Omg are you for real?!?!" and all the excitement and a three way call to discuss all of the details ;) And then lots of hugs when I saw them a few days later!
Vegas was an absolute blast! We probably had the chillest bachelorette trip there ever was in Vegas.. and we were all okay with that ;) It was super hot so we spent a lot of time shopping, eating, and hanging out at the pool! Perfect!

We stayed at the Palazo, which was super nice! After a mix-up, we ended up in the most amazing suite! It was seriously bigger than my apartment and was absolutely beautiful! We went out for fancy dinners and even hit up a brand new extremely crowded club...

We also saw the famous fountain, had frozen hot chocolate from Serendipity, and just tried to take in all of the sights and sounds of Vegas! It is a crazy place!! The last day, Katie and I had late flights out (that got postponed and were even later! ughhh) so we did a little more shopping and exploring and went to the Pawn Stars store, haha. That was the one thing Z was most jealous of, go figure! ha

It was such a fun weekend celebrating the soon to be bride! I loved spending time with my besties and seeing such a cool city! And I was over the moon to finally (after the longest layover and flight) get back home to Z!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Catch Up Pt.6

Back to catching up... So we knew that we had to tell Z's family our preggo news pretty much immediately after we told mine! We wanted to tell them in person too.. so we made a crazy fast trip to Alabama for the fourth of July weekend ;) First stop, T-town to tell Z's parents! We met them at Taco Casa (of course! delish!!!) I told Z I didn't want to tell them THERE so we kept it a secret a little longer. We stopped by their house to visit for a few more minutes and before we even went inside, Z told them! hahaha :) It actually worked out perfectly because Z's little brother stopped by for about a second and was there when he told them! They were, of course, over the moon and there might have been a few tears ;) After a super quick visit, we hopped back in the car and drove to South Alabama to see Z's sister and our besties.. and for a beach trip! We couldn't decide when or how to tell his sis or if we wanted to tell anyone else, including our best friends that were staying with us! Right before we all went to bed, we pulled Maggie in our room and told her ;) Again tears and squeals!! So fun! The next day, we hit up the beach!!! My happy place! And we decided we couldn't wait to tell our friends so Z just blurted it out while we were all in the ocean, ha! It was super fun and they were shocked! The whole weekend was a whirlwind but I'm so thankful we got to tell them all in person! Here is one of the only pics I have of our quick trip...
We can't wait to plan a beach trip this summer with our little man!!!

Monday, February 1, 2016

The Nursery

Happy Monday! And happy February!! I can't believe that we will definitely have a baby this month! Crazy ;) We had such a great weekend. Friday night, we went out for "one last date night". (I think I said that last Friday too, haha) Z took me to Tango Sur.. one of our favs.. and it was delicious as always! We went pretty early because they don't take reservations and we didn't want to wait ;) So we were home and in pjs early too! It was a perfect date night.
 Saturday was such a lovely day in Chicago! We woke up early and went to one of our favorite bakeries for yummy breakfast treats. I must look ready to pop because the sweet lady at the bakery gave us our breakfast on the house in hopes that the baby would come that night! No luck with the babe but it was soooo sweet of her to give us our food for free! Z and I also took a loooong (slow!, ha!) walk Saturday. It was almost 50 degrees out! in Chicago! in January!! We walked around Wrigley and over to Southport. It was perfect. We finished off our day with naps, Seinfeld reruns, frozen pizza, and ice cream ;)
Sunday we made brunch at home and ate it while we watched Church of the Highlands online. And then we got to work on little man's room! We finally finished his nursery, and I love the way it turned out! More on that in just a minute ;) Our Sunday also consisted of a movie at the Music Box Theater (cutest old timey theater on Southport!!) and dinner with friends. Pretty much the perfect weekend! And perhaps our last as just the two of us ;)
Okay.. now more about the nursery! Originally, we planned to have a guest room/nursery. But after we got the crib in the room, we realized it was just too crowded. So, Z was sweet enough to share his office with the guest bed. We switched out the love seat that was in his office and the guest bed that was in the nursery yesterday, and we both agreed that both rooms look better! Here are a few pictures of the nursery. I told Z I never really had much direction for what I wanted in little guy's room. I knew I didn't want a theme and I didn't want it to be super "babyish". So we combined a few random pieces and I really like the result!

The details:
-The love seat was originally in our living room. Z and I bought it right before we got married off of Craigslist! We have a rocker/glider that we will eventually put in the nursery and move the loveseat out, but for now it's in our bedroom since little man will be sleeping in there for a while.
-The quilt is from my Nana. That was one piece I knew I wanted in his nursery. I love the pop of color it gives to the room :)
-The wall art is a random mix of things that we found and made. One of my favorites is the "strong and brave" print we bought at Hobby Lobby when we were home for Christmas. The Wild Things art is the first thing we bought for the nursery because I love that book! The pallet artwork was a project Z and I made together. The verse painted on it is I Corinthians 16:13-14, "Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love." It's our prayer for our little man! And the C was a random purchase at At Home a few weeks ago. It was bright yellow, but I decided it didn't really go so I painted it, ha.
-The crib bedding and changing pad cover are from Land of Nod. I love! It's hard to see in the pics but the crib skirt has small black triangles and the sheet and changing pad cover have tiny black dots.
-We bought the crib off of Amazon. Originally, I picked a crib from Ikea. But after we made the trip to Ikea to check it out/purchase it, we decided it seemed a little cheap and not so sturdy. So we did a little research and ordered one. I really love the style and color.
-The changing table/dresser was a Craigslist find! I painted the drawers (they were orange, ugh!)
-The bookshelves were made by Z!! I love love love them! He found the idea on Pinterest and made them. I think they look perfect in the room.
-We still want to add a lamp and maybe a rug. But otherwise, everything is ready for our sweet boy! Here's hoping we get to meet him sooner than later ;)