Thursday, February 4, 2016

Catch Up Pt.7

In July, I went to Vegas for one of my besties' bachelorette trip!! I have never been to Vegas nor did I ever think I would go... especially pregnant ;) I knew I wanted to tell my best friends that I was preggo before the trip.. I didn't want to take away from the big weekend and I figured they would wonder why I wasn't drinking! So I sent a group text that said something like "Remember that time I got preggo right before we went to Vegas for Kelli's bachelorette trip?!?!" Cue the "Omg are you for real?!?!" and all the excitement and a three way call to discuss all of the details ;) And then lots of hugs when I saw them a few days later!
Vegas was an absolute blast! We probably had the chillest bachelorette trip there ever was in Vegas.. and we were all okay with that ;) It was super hot so we spent a lot of time shopping, eating, and hanging out at the pool! Perfect!

We stayed at the Palazo, which was super nice! After a mix-up, we ended up in the most amazing suite! It was seriously bigger than my apartment and was absolutely beautiful! We went out for fancy dinners and even hit up a brand new extremely crowded club...

We also saw the famous fountain, had frozen hot chocolate from Serendipity, and just tried to take in all of the sights and sounds of Vegas! It is a crazy place!! The last day, Katie and I had late flights out (that got postponed and were even later! ughhh) so we did a little more shopping and exploring and went to the Pawn Stars store, haha. That was the one thing Z was most jealous of, go figure! ha

It was such a fun weekend celebrating the soon to be bride! I loved spending time with my besties and seeing such a cool city! And I was over the moon to finally (after the longest layover and flight) get back home to Z!

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