Tuesday, January 19, 2016

That Growing Belly Though

I thought I would take a break from catch up posts and do a little preggo post! I mentioned before that my pregnancy has been pretty amazing. I was never really sick, and my biggest complaints are probably how tired I was in the first trimester and how huge I am in the third ;) Sure I've been a little uncomfortable, especially lately, and sleeping has been a joke.  But overall it has been a wonderful experience, and I feel so very blessed to have had an easy, healthy pregnancy so far! I can't believe that we're soooo close to little man being here! I can't even wait to finally hold him and to see Z with our little guy. My heart melts just thinking about that so I can't even imagine what it will be like! I thought I'd do a quick look back at all of my bump pics, haha. One day it will be fun to show little man all of the pics of him in my belly ;)

I was so excited to finally see a bump, haha!

And I thought this bump was huge! Oh my..

Now we're just patiently waiting for our sweet boy to come! I'm so ready to take pics of him instead of my growing belly each week ;)

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