Monday, January 18, 2016

Catch Up Pt2

Thought I'd continue my catch up posts with a few other notable things from 2015... Here is catch up part 2, the blizzard and we moved edition ;)
Early in February, we had a blizzard (at least the closest thing I've ever seen to a blizzard! ha). It started snowing on a Saturday night and snowed ALL DAY Sunday and Sunday night. We woke up to SO MUCH SNOW on Monday morning. But no worries, we still had school ;) I wish I was kidding but I'm not. I walked to the bus in over a foot of snow and pretty much sulked about it all day, hahaha. Here are a few pictures of the most snow I've ever seen at one time...
Never been more thankful for snow boots!

SOO glad I don't drive to work!!!

Our grill was under that pile of snow! eek

And a car is under that one. Glad it wasn't ours ;)
 Since our little guy is due this February, we're praying we don't have a repeat of last year!! Another major part of 2015 was we moved! (AGAIN!) I know, we've moved a lot. But we were really itching for more space and we found the cutest apartment in Lakeview. It has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms (praise the Lord!), and space for a dining room table!!! (which I found on Craigslist, of course!)

 One of the bedrooms was promptly turned into Z's office and the other extra room we made a guest room (which is now more nursery than guest room but there's still a bed for all of our visitors!!). Our new neighborhood is admittedly not as wonderful as our old one was. But extra space trumps that for sure. And we're super close to the lakefront and Wrigley Field. I will take a few more pics to share of our apartment another day ;) Right now I'm just proud of myself for blogging AGAIN! haha Have a lovely day friends!

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