Monday, October 14, 2013

We Went Apple Picking Y'all!

We had such a perfect fall weekend! Here's a quick recap...
Friday night we went to dinner with friends... thanks to a gift card from a sweet student, dinner was taken care of! Yummy dinner for free, yes please!
Saturday we woke up and headed to Dunkin' Donuts... they have pumpkin munchkins {doughnut holes} right now, and they are delicious!! Perfect start to a Saturday! We also went to the new Target that they finally finished... remember here when I found out they were building it?! Still super pumped to have a Target close by {although not nearly as close as it would have been before we moved!!} So after Target, we picked up chic-fil-a, because sometimes you just need chicken nuggets! ;) Later that afternoon, we made our way to Joe and Lolly's to watch some football. Lolly made buffalo chicken dip {yum!} and I made taco soup {mmm!} and Alabama won! It was a perfect Saturday ;)
Sunday, we got ready and headed to church. We usually walk since we don't live too far... we were walking along and realized the Chicago marathon was going on and the route included our route to church... and then we realized we couldn't cross the street so we couldn't even get to church! ha! Oh well... we did get to watch the marathon for a while! Speaking of the marathon, the guy that won ran all 26.2 miles in 2 hours and 3 minutes! CRAZY!

So what to do on a lovely Sunday when you can't get to your church because of the marathon madness?! Head out of town to pick some apples, of course! ;) And that is exactly what we did!! We changed clothes, headed the opposite direction of the marathon route and drove to an apple orchard!

The drive was supposed to take about an hour... and it did... until we got 2 miles from our destination... and then we saw this...
It's kind of hard to tell, but this is stopped traffic for 2 miles leading to the orchard. Apparently we weren't the only ones wanting to pick some apples!! It took us 30+ minutes to go those 2 miles :/
Here's what Z thought about that...
I was starting to think we should just go by Stanley's fruit market and get some apples... but then we finally arrived.. and it did not disappoint!! {although next year we might try to find one a little less commercialized and crowded, ha!}

We picked a full bag of apples... gala and golden delicious... and got some apple cider and apple cider doughnuts {oh my goodness! yummiest doughnuts EVER!}
It was a perfect fall day! And definitely my new favorite fall tradition! So now I have a lot of apples and can't wait to make an apple pie... mmm! Also on the menu this week...
Monday- I have small group, so we will eat a quick bowl of soup or cereal
Tuesday- I have a professional development seminar, again something quick... sorry Z!
Wednesday- chicken casserole
Thursday- spicy shrimp pasta
Friday- chili!
Hope you have a fabulous week friends!

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