Tuesday, October 1, 2013

From the Mouths of Babes...

So I think every preschool or elementary teacher could probably write a book about the hilariousness that happens during their day... I find 3 and 4 year olds to be especially funny and adorable ;) Here are a few things that happened lately that I just couldn't wait to come home and tell Z...
-I stay at the back of the line during our morning walks... I get to hear all kinds of funny things back there! The other day, a little girl told me ALL about her "Dora themed" birthday party for both "big girls and babies". I especially loved when she filled me in on the fact that it was a "sleep under" ;) SO cute!
-Another day a little friend asked if I wanted to go to his house. "We can have macaroni and cheese. And play with ALL of my toys." Sounds like fun ;) When his little friend beside him asked if I wanted to go to her house, the first friend quickly informed her that she could ask another teacher, I was already taken ;)
-One of our cuties was "sleeping" in the dramatic play area during rest time. She had an accident, and when she let one of the other teachers know, they asked her why she didn't ask to go potty sooner... she informed her that "she was cooking in the kitchen" ha! Never mind that she was supposed to be sleeping...
-One of the teachers asked a little boy what his dad's name was. He told her it was "daddy" {like obviously ;)}. So she asked him what his "grown up" name was... "like what does your mommy call him?" He replied, "you mean like babe?!" ;)
-A cute little friend during circle time informed the other teachers that he wasn't interested in having a job {classroom job} that day... he just wished that he was in Mexico ;) The next day he told me he was going to Mexico for the weekend, ha! {we aren't sure where his obsession with Mexico came from?! So funny!}
-One of our little guys knows every car that we pass when we're out on our walks... he constantly yells out "honda" or "bmw" or "toyota taxi!" ;) cracks me up every.time. My favorite was when he saw a "range rover" said it in his fabulous British accent... so stinkin cute.
-We have a little friend that knows EVERY word to the cups song from Pitch Perfect. Even the line about the "bottles of whiskey for the way" ;) Ha! He also knows the motions to do with the cup... pretty amazing actually.
-The other day when I got to school, a little friend ran up to me and started running circles around me... "Miss Brook, I had TWO energy bars for breakfast!!" Ha! No wonder he was running in circles ;)
So... I'm so glad I started this post yesterday... today was maybe the hardest day I've had at my new little school. One of those days that just won't end and you have to laugh so you won't cry. Glad that those days are a rarity and even when they do happen, they're so worth it. Going to work and hanging out with three years olds that  say the funniest.things.ever is really the best job there is ;) And it turns out that coming home and reading back over this post was just what I needed!
Hope you got a little laugh for your Tuesday!

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