Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Family Visit... part 1

Well it seems like I was just counting down the days until my family arrived, and now they're already gone :/ But we did have such an amazing time while they were here!!! Sorry for all of the photos I'm about to post... I love to look back on posts like this, so I tried to take LOTS of pictures ;)

Friday morning, I drove Z to work and then headed to the airport to pick up my dad, mom, and brother! I was SO excited to see them! I showed them around our new little neighborhood, and they got settled in our little apartment. {Yes, all five of us stayed in less than 600 square feet, ha!!} I took them to a little place around the corner for lunch.. Del Seoul. Yum! We shopped around near the apartment and then headed to Nordstrom Rack and Water Tower Place on Michigan Avenue. Fun! After Z got home, we grilled burgers on pretzel buns {so yummy!!} and relaxed at the apartment... everyone was pretty tired after such an early flight and a full day of work ;) Somehow I didn't take ANY pictures Friday. I think I made up for it the rest of the weekend though, ha!

Saturday... Bryant and I drove over to Ann Sather's to pick up some of the best cinnamon rolls I've ever had!! Such a delicious start to our day!! We all got showers and such and then headed to the Lincoln Park Farmer's Market. This is one of my favorite Saturday morning outings! I was super excited to have my family there with us!!!
My sweet Z ;)
Mom and Dad at the Farmer's Market
Purple Bell Peppers?!?!
Quick family photo minus Z {he insisted on being the photographer!}

After the farmer's market, we walked around the duck pond and nature trail in Lincoln Park and then headed to the Zoo.. so fun!

My three favorite guys watching the rhino
The giraffe exhibit
The whole family!
Again, Z was the photographer
Love my parents! This was at the duck pond
We went to the Conservatory next. My mom said this was her favorite ;) It is like a ginormous green house with so many beautiful and exotic plants.
A really sweet guy took our family pic in the garden. Such a lovely area of our city!

These guys are crazy together...

After the conservatory, we walked back home to rest for a while. {And to eat some snacks, ha!} I'm such a go-go-go person, but it was nice to have some down time. My mom and I also did a little more shopping at Loft and Nine West down the road, where we both found some great deals! Once we were all rested up, we changed into warmer clothes {the weather was SO strange and quite chilly!!} and took the EL to Michigan Avenue. We walked around and did some people-watching and window-shopping and then had a crazy good dinner at Giordanos... yummy!! We topped the night off with a train ride and a movie back home.
Waiting for the train
Giordanos... yummy!
Walking around Michigan Avenue
Love spending some time with my parents!
Family dinners are the best!
Love these two so much!
On the train headed back home!
Such a fun day!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like you guys had a great time.....