Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to our wonderful moms!!! We love you both SO much! Can't wait to see you next week :) 

Also, happy Mother's Day to our amazing grandmas.. Nana, Mimi, Grandma Suzie, Mawmaw, and Grammy!! {not sure why Mawmaw didn't make this picture :/} Love you all so much!
At school on Friday, we had a mom tell us {her child's three teachers} happy mother's day. She said we were her child's school moms! We do get called "mom" quite a bit ;) and we do love them all as if they were our own! So happy mother's day to all of the wonderful teachers I know as well!
Z and B


Unknown said...

Thanks for Morhers Day wishes

Unknown said...

Thanks for Morhers Day wishes