Friday, May 3, 2013

Current Obsessions

First of all... we had two glorious days of sunny, hot warm weather this week. I wore a dress without tights and boots!  It was so nice. Felt like spring! And then... cold. rain. meh. But, here's hoping the weekend weather is nicer than the last two days! Moving on...
Right now, I just can't get enough of...
-La Croix- delicious, slightly flavored soda waters. I drink one {okay sometimes more} And with no calories, artificial sweeteners, or sodium, I don't even feel bad about it ;) Love!
-Tates Chocolate Chip Cookies. Ever tried one? They are ridiculously expensive. {And full of calories and such, but so worth it!} I found them at World Market {after a friend from work let me try one of hers!}. They're crispy, but so so good!
-Ann Sather's Cinnamon Rolls. Oh my. A few Saturdays ago, I asked Z what he wanted for breakfast, and he said cinnamon rolls. I can always go for a sweet treat! So I googled yummiest cinnamon rolls in Chicago, and came up with a restaurant in Lincoln Park called Ann Sathers. We were NOT disappointed! They were  huge, gooey, and sooo good!
-Walks through Old Town and Lincoln Park. Um, by far my favorite areas in Chicago! When the weather is nice, this is my favorite thing to do with Z! I really hope we can move to one of these lovely neighborhoods soon!!
-My striped Keds. Yep, I ordered some black and white striped Keds sneakers. Kinda took me back to when I was 5ish... I always wore white keds! They're pretty cute ;)
-Lululemon athletic apparel. This is an unfortunate obsession because it is so expensive. I got a few pieces for my birthday, and I seriously wear, wash, and wear again every week! It makes me happy to work out in cute work out clothes! I'll have to keep watching the sale racks to get more though ;)
-Downton Abbey. Not sure how I'm so late jumping on this bandwagon, but I love this show! I'm feeling pretty sad that season 3 seems to be unavailable to watch for free :/ I guess I might have to break down and purchase through Amazon prime... maybe. Love it though!
Enough of this randomness... Can't wait until Kate gets here tomorrow to spend the weekend with us!! Love, love having visitors! :) AHave a great weekend!


The Burgess Family said...

Go to and you can watch Season 3 of Downton Abby!

Unknown said...

Thanks Sarah!!