Saturday, April 27, 2013

It's About Time ;)

Well I have seriously neglected this blog. April has been a loooong month in Chicago... lots of rain, lots more rain, and a lot of cold too :( Nothing worse than a cold, wet day when it should be SPRING! We even had record flooding a few weeks ago. So.much.rain. On top of the less than desirable weather, we had "Month of the Young Child" at school. Which meant that had something special planned... which was so much fun, but pretty exhausting too! So anyways, I am more than ready to see May, and warm weather, and sunshine!!! 
April hasn't been all bad though... Spring Break {at the end of March} was such a blast. I enjoyed every single second with my family. We spent a lot of time relaxing, went to the beach, made a trip to Fairhope {love!}, went shopping, ate lots of yummy food, and celebrated my birthday at a delicious restaurant on the bayou and with a yummy homemade cake! So much fun!! I was extra excited to see Z when I returned though. Next time I plan a week long trip back home, he has to come too! ;) My actual birthday was in April. It was such a great day! Everyone {even friends and family from so far away} made me feel extra special! My sweet co-workers made a huge sign for the kids to decorate for me and had them sing {a few times, ha!} too! And then Z took me out for a super yummy dinner at Gibson's followed by my favorite Sprinkles cupcakes!! Great day for sure! I'm sad I don't have ANY pictures to share... I promise more pictures to come in May!
So that about covers April... We're super excited that one of my besties is coming to stay with us next weekend!! We're also heading home towards the end of May for Z's little younger brother's graduation! Can't wait! There are also Cubs games, beach walks, and sandals in my near future, ha! ;) This weekend is supposed to be beautiful, with temperatures near 70!!! And I even saw one day next week is supposed to be 78... {followed two days later by 48 :/ -but let's focus on the positive here!} So things are looking up ;) I'm feeling antsy to get outside and enjoy this beautiful weather {finally}! So have a great weekend friends!


Unknown said...

Yeah for good weather. Can't wait to see you guys in May.

Unknown said...

Yeah for good weather. Can't wait to see you guys in May.