Thursday, November 29, 2012


We've been busy decorating for Christmas around here! And I love it!! On Monday, we went and picked out a cute little tree... I wanted to get one from one of those adorable stands popping up on random street corners in the city. But they all only take cash, and we didn't have cash :/ so Home Depot it was. Which was fine because they always have a good selection for a decent price, and I was just excited to get a tree!! On Tuesday, I decided we needed a tree skirt and a tree topper. So I went to West Elm {love that store!} and found a perfect tree topper on sale for $15! The tree skirts on the other hand were like $50... no thanks. So I decided to make one ;) I followed a diy tutorial for a no sew ruffle tree skirt. I used painter's drop cloths {again} and hot glue, and I think it turned out pretty cute. Just a few hours and about $15... love! Z helped me decorate the tree Tuesday night. I also put a few other small decorative items around the apartment. We don't have a fireplace, so no mantel for the stockings. But I really love our stockings, so I wanted to display them anyways. I used clear command hooks and just hung them straight on the wall, ha! I did see a cute idea on Pinterest last night to hang stocking from twine if you don't have a mantel... hmmm.. maybe next year. Anyways, here are a few pics of our festive decor...

Christmas really is the most wonderful time of the year!


Unknown said...

Your tree skirt turned out really cute. Can't believe you hot glued all those ruffles.

Unknown said...

Thanks Mimi!