Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Quick DIY

So I shared about our new dining room table {love!}... and mentioned that I was planning to recover the chair seats. Well, I had no idea just how easy this project would be! I started out by looking for fabric at JoAnns... but had no luck there. I knew that I could order fabric... but was feeling impatient, ha! Then... I was in West Elm {love that store!!} and I found these adorable cloth napkins. And guess what... they were the exact size that I needed for each chair seat! So I bought six napkins {on sale for $4 each} and got to work. The best part was that I didn't have to cut or measure any fabric... so easy. I used a staple gun to attach the fabric to the bottom of each seat. {I didn't remove the original fabric or add more foam... they were still in great condition. I just used a screw driver to take each seat off} Seriously easiest update ever. Only took about an hour for all 6 chairs!! Here's the finished project...


Unknown said...

Brook seriously this is amazing... so impressed! Can't wait to see it soon!

Unknown said...

Thanks Jordan! Can't wait for y'all to visit again!!!

Unknown said...

Love the chevron fabric. So smart to use cutting or hemming.
Looking forward to seeing you and Zach Thanksgiving . Hope you are staying with me.
Love to both of you!