We've been busy decorating for Christmas around here! And I love it!! On Monday, we went and picked out a cute little tree... I wanted to get one from one of those adorable stands popping up on random street corners in the city. But they all only take cash, and we didn't have cash :/ so Home Depot it was. Which was fine because they always have a good selection for a decent price, and I was just excited to get a tree!! On Tuesday, I decided we needed a tree skirt and a tree topper. So I went to West Elm {love that store!} and found a perfect tree topper on sale for $15! The tree skirts on the other hand were like $50... no thanks. So I decided to make one ;) I followed a diy tutorial for a no sew ruffle tree skirt. I used painter's drop cloths {again} and hot glue, and I think it turned out pretty cute. Just a few hours and about $15... love! Z helped me decorate the tree Tuesday night. I also put a few other small decorative items around the apartment. We don't have a fireplace, so no mantel for the stockings. But I really love our stockings, so I wanted to display them anyways. I used clear command hooks and just hung them straight on the wall, ha! I did see a cute idea on Pinterest last night to hang stocking from twine if you don't have a mantel... hmmm.. maybe next year. Anyways, here are a few pics of our festive decor...
Christmas really is the most wonderful time of the year!