Sunday, November 18, 2012

Just hanging with a million of our closest friends...

Last night was the magnificent mile lights festival, and it was cah-razy!!! There were literally a million people there. So crowded. But it was pretty {what I could see at least!} and felt very festive! Here are a few pics Z took {this girl was way too short to take pictures, ha!}

 Okay so those two were actually taken on our street after the lights festival... once we were out of the craziness that was Michigan Avenue! ;)
 You can kind of see just how crowded it was!
 So that might not be our new Christmas tradition or anything... but it was fun and we did get to see what all the hype was about ;) I'm pretty determined to take part in as many Christmas festivities as we can here in Chicago!!
Oh yeah... and I might have a job?! Just say a little prayer for me if you think about it ;) I'll share any new developments as soon as I can!
Can't wait to head home in TWO DAYS!!!

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