Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Last night we finally got a pumpkin! Z was so sweet to drive around until we found this cute little pumpkin stand I saw a while back... I couldn't remember exactly where this stand was... but we finally found it ;)
It was just a *bit* chilly! So we picked fast, ha! {We didn't get the bumpy one that I'm holding above... although I thought it was rather odd and charming!} Tonight we're gonna carve our lovely pumpkin ;) Hope you all have a fun and safe halloween!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Menu Planning Monday

Hope you had a fabulous weekend! Ours was great... low key and relaxing ;) We tried out a new pizza place {Lou Malnati's... so yum!}, watched a great movie {Argo... very good, very intense}, cheered for the Tide, did some shopping... that's pretty much all the highlights!
On to menu planning Monday... this week is all about comfort food!
-Monday- beef tips and rice, steamed broccoli, salad
-Tuesday- chicken pasta with tomatoes and basil, caesar salad, French bread
-Thursday- breakfast food... eggs, bacon, waffles
-Friday- chicken burritos, rice and beans
-Saturday- football snacks... maybe homemade chilli?!

About that chicken tortilla soup... I saw this recipe while watching Trisha Yearwood's show on Food Network Saturday morning... it looked so yummy! It reminded me of a combination of two of our favorite soups... taco soup and white bean chilli. She said that she makes it every Halloween... and I agree it seems like the perfect meal for a chilly Halloween! I'll let y'all know how it turns out!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Love List {Fall Style}

First, an update... thankfully snow was no longer in our forecast ;) We're still talking pretty cold weather... but no fluffy white stuff quite yet!

Okay... back to what I'm loving right now. With Halloween right around the corner, I decided to stick to that theme ;)

First, look how adorable these pumpkins are from YoungHouseLove! This was a project they thought of so they could include their toddler in the pumpkin decorating fun... but I totally would love this project too ;)

I really love this owl lantern that I found for $2.50 at Target!! Can't beat cute and cheap!

How could you not LOVE this adorable Halloween costume?! 
Baby Halloween Costumes 

I really love this fall-licious outfit! So cute! {Not exactly Halloweenish but too cute not to include!}

I'm also loving that it's Friday... and that means a whole weekend with Z ;) Our weekend plans include a drive along Lake Michigan... Some pumpkin decorating... bundling up for a walk around the city... and celebrating Bama's homecoming 700 miles away! Have a good weekend friends!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Piece of Cake

No really... check out this piece of cake that we got last night!
Biggest piece of cake {chocolate mousse cake to be exact} that I have EVER seen! {Yes... even bigger than the Buca di Beppo cake... cah-razy!} We decided to check out Gibsons last night to celebrate our two year anniversary, and let me tell ya... it did not disappoint! It was so very "Chicago". Even our waiter looked like he stepped straight out of a movie, complete with his thick Chicago accent and witty charm. Plus, we had the best steaks I think I've ever tried. Not to mention this monster!! {Which was on the house by the way!!} So yeah... if you're ever in Chicago, you should check out Gibsons! {And we did not even come close to making a dent in that thing in case you were wondering ;)}

On to another topic that was not such a piece of cake... my second sewing project! I didn't really step too far out of the box on this one... I made another tea towel, ha! But I did cutesy this one up with a letter appliqué and some fabric rosettes. Still working on my stitch work... 

And one last thing... I was watching the Today show this morning when the local weather came on... and this is what I saw...

Please note the word SNOW that shows up on Tuesday and Wednesday... um what?! So.not.ready.for.that!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Two Years!

Two years ago today I married my best friend!! Happy anniversary, Z! I love you so much. I can't wait to celebrate a bazillion more years with you ;)
All my love,

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

His Majesty Displayed

Every fall I am just obsessed with the changing leaves... I always think it is one of the most beautiful displays of the Lord's majesty. This fall is no different. In fact, since we're a bit further north this year, I think the leaves are even more magnificent than I remember from years past! Here are a few pictures I recently took. I seriously can't look at them without being amazed by our awesome Creator!

Happy Fall!

Monday, October 22, 2012

A Quick Trip!

What a fun weekend!! One of my besties made a little {too short!} visit and we had such a great time exploring Chi-Town!! 
We rode the train...
Went to the bean {in the rain no less ;)}
Saw Buckingham Fountain...
Visited the Art Institute...
Checked out the Signature Lounge in the John Hancock Building...
Watched the Bama game at the Houndstooth...
We also ate at some yummy restaurants and did a little shopping!! It went by so super fast, and we didn't get to see everything we wanted to... but that just means you have to come back!  Can't wait till you can visit again!!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Oh Yeah...

A few people mentioned that they were having a hard time commenting on the blog posts...  I think I fixed the problem?! You should be able to comment by clicking "no comments" {or if there are already comments click "comments"}. A new box should pop up where you can post your comment. Hopefully the problem is fixed ;)

I Heart Target

Y'all... I am so excited because Chicago just announced that a new Target is being built one block from our apartment!!! Currently, the closest Target is about a 15 minute {unless there's a lot of traffic :/} drive. Not that bad... but a Target I can walk to?!? Yes, please!! Of course Z might be less than excited about my ability to go to Target so easily ;) The store is scheduled to open in 2013... here's hoping we're talking Spring!
Now for a few of my favorite Target finds right now...
Mossimo® Women's Dolman Sleeve Sweater Dress - Assorted Colors
cute little sweater dress
Hailey Jeans Co Woman Lace-up Wedge Bootie
adorable wedge booties
Xhilaration® Juniors Bomber Jacket -Assorted Colors
faux leather bomber jacket
Labworks Women's Dolman Sleeve  High- Low Pullover Sweater - Gray
comfy casual sweater
Vizzini Table Lamp
mercury glass table lamp
Glass Vase with Horse Small
perfect little glass vase
Decorative Pillow Target Gold DECO PILLOW
ruffled throw pillow in a cute fallish color

I think I'll head on over to Target now!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

It's Been a While...

Well long time no blogging! We're back from our lovely trip to Alabama... we had such a great time! And it was much easier leaving this time knowing we will be back down in about a month for Thanksgiving ;) Just like last time, it was a complete whirlwind as soon as we got off the plane. Here's hoping our next trip will be a little longer! A few highlights of the trip via pictures...
1- I got to visit with my Nana! Would you ever believe she is 87?! -2-Finally got to meet {and hold} my cousin's sweet baby!! -3- and see her in her pumpkin costume... cutest thing ever!
A little sibling love! We got to spend time with my brother and his sweet girlfriend and with Z's brother and sister!

I had such a fun day with my mom in Fairhope! Cutest little town ever. We ate at Panini Pete's {oh my... so yum!} and walked around/shopped a bit. Loved it!

Wish I had more pictures to share! Oh well... maybe I'll do better at taking pictures next trip! Have a good {rest of the} week friends!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Weekend Review

Here's a recap of our weekend in pictures!
-1-new tennis shoes! -2-cold enough for boots and a winter scarf!! -3-gorgeous fall leaves during one of our walks -4-warm apple crisp for dessert -5-yummy homemade chilli -6-Starbucks date ;) -7-Sunday brunch at Yolk after church
-8-the best part of the weekend... just hanging out with Z

Just a few more days until I head home to see my family!! So.excited!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Love List

It's Friday! And about time for a new love list ;) So here goes...

+ I LOVE the fact that this time next week we'll be in sweet home Alabama!
P.S.- I so want to copy-cat and make this for our condo!!
+Love this CHILLY weather we're having! Definitely calls for sweatshirts, scarves, boots, love!
+I'm pretty much in love with fall fingernail polish colors... I'm currently wearing this...
And totally wanting this...
+Loving all things pumpkin still ;) but now moving on a bit to apple... I think I might make an apple crisp to munch on all weekend?!
+I really love that I'm finally getting involved with teaching-ish things in Chicago... subbing, volunteering, love it!
+I can't believe and also so so love that our two year anniversary is this month! Crazy! Being married to Z is absolutely the best ;)
+Love, love, love that two of my new favorite bloggers are coming to Chicago for their book tour! I so already rsvp'd and am dragging Z with me to our local West Elm to see them! And maybe get their new book for them to sign... early Christmas gift, Z?!!
Do you have any fun weekend plans?! Our weekend will definitely consist of a Starbucks date, a long chilly walk, eating some yummy chilli, watching some football, and a trip to a boulder field near by {Z just can't help it when the weather gets like this!!} 
Hope you have a great weekend friends!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Cubs Game

Well we ended up going to the opening series and the closing series of the Cubs season this year! The opening series was a bit more exciting, seeing how their season ended... But the game last night was fun for a buck ;) We didn't stay for too long... and I'm not even sure who won :/ Based on their record and the way the game was going while we were there, I don't think the Cubbies won. There's always next year, Cubs!
Here's a few pictures that I took with my new phone!!
The view from the $1 seats
Yes that is Z... with a pretty intense beard!
I had to put my coat and scarf on after a while... crazy!
Waiting for the train... I think he was ready for me to stop with the pictures, ha!
Ballpark hot dogs for dinner ;)

Now if only we could find $1 tickets to a Bears game... haha!