Friday, August 24, 2012

Back in the Windy City!

Well we're back from our little trip to Alabama! Z actually got back late Sunday, and I stayed until yesterday to spend some time with my parents. I loved having a few extra days with them!! Poor Z has been sick since he got back, and I wasn't even here to take care of him :/ he survived though and even managed to clean the apartment before I got back! Sweetest husband ever ;) Z met me at the airport last night when I finally arrived. I ended up missing my connecting flight out of Atlanta so my arrival was a bit later than originally planned. Flying alone is not on my favorites list! But anyways, it feels good to be back home {although I keep calling Alabama home, so I think I'm just confused at this point, ha!} with my sweet hubby! And we're already looking forward to another visit to watch Z's brother play football soon!
Everything about our trip was great but so busy!! Almost immediately after we arrived in Alabama, Z left town for the bachelor trip. I got to spend the day with some of my besties from the school I taught at the past few years. Two of my sweet friends have new babies and I was in love from minute one! I hardly spent a second without a sweet baby in my arms ;) We even went by the school so I could see everyone's classrooms. It was so much fun, but it did make me sad that I won't be there this year :/ The rest of the trip was filled with wedding stuff, family time, and seeing old friends! It really was such a fun time, and it went by way too fast!
I wish I had more pictures of our trip. I knew this would happen. I'm just not that great at snapping photos and then I always regret it later. But here are a few we ended up with between my camera and Z's phone...
Waiting for our plane!
The bridal party at the bridesmaids' luncheon
Enjoying time with sweet friends
My beautiful mom!
And my awesome brother... thought he was going to catch my hair on fire between the sparkler and all of the hairspray!
Such a great time with friends after the wedding!
Unfortunately, that's all I have! I didn't even get a picture of the bride and groom! Or any at the rehearsal dinner. Boo! Oh well. Everything was perfect and we're super excited for the new Mr. and Mrs.!!
I'm missing my family big time today but glad to be home with Z! Hope you have a wonderful weekend friends!

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