Tuesday, August 28, 2012

An Update and a DIY Project in the Making

Well I think Z is finally feeling better. He felt pretty crummy all weekend, even after a doctor's visit and antibiotics :/ Yesterday we went back to the doc for him to get a shot so hopefully he's over being sick!! We had a very relaxing weekend considering he wasn't feeling well and I had been gone for a week and a half. It was so nice just to hang out at home with him! We did venture out on Sunday, but the weather was drizzly/rainy so we didn't stay out long. But anyways... not a whole lot going on here this week. Z has made some pretty big strides with his business so that is exciting! Also, I tried my hand at a little diy project. I don't want to share any pics until I'm finished {so close!!}, but this has turned into an all day affair. Z helped me get some of the supplies last night, and I'm really excited to share the before and after pictures soon ;)

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