Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Happy Birthdays... and so Many Other Things to Say!!

Wow, friends, I have been so terrible at keeping up this ol blog. Somehow it is already the middle of July.... this summer is going by fast! Crazy! Since I haven't blogged in forever, I feel like I have so much to say .... so here we go.
- First, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to two very special people!! Z's brother and Z's Mimi both have birthdays today! We so wish we were there to celebrate with both of you. I hope you have the happiest day ever... We love you both so much!!!!

-Second, it is HOT here. Like Alabama hot. Ugh! I {like a crazy person} decided to go for a run along the lakeshore after work this afternoon. I thought I was going to die. I do not miss this heat or humidity one little bit!
-Along that same topic... summer camp {aka my work right now} is outside for about 75% of each day. Usually that makes it super fun and enjoyable, but this week, um no thanks. I'm pretty much a sweaty hot mess from sun up to sun down. Oh well.
-I have been working 8:30-5:30 most days this summer. I love getting the extra hours, and I especially love having more of a lead teacher role, but it sure was nice to leave at 2 today! Also I'm going to go ahead and blame this working full time thing on why the blog has been so neglected all summer ;)
-We finally have been able to hit up the beach a few times! It's nothing like going to the coast in Alabama, but it is really pretty and quite relaxing. Love it! Now if we could just find some yummy seafood...

-We have also been exploring all around our new place. We still love to put on our sneakers and walk for hours when the weekends roll around. We walk to the beach, to Wrigley stadium, to get yummy ice cream, to bike shops {and lots of other shops too!}, so much fun!

-Last weekend we went to one of the infamous street festivals here in Chicago. Every weekend during the summer there are at least 3-4 festivals going on, so we finally made it to one! Sister Hazel {a band that we used to loooove} was playing. It was such a fun night!{After I got over the panic that set in considering the crazy amount of people piled in the street block, ha!}

-Z and I have been making little improvements around our apartment lately. Well actually just buying things that make it a little nicer ;) Thank goodness for Craigslist! I found a bookshelf for $30 a few weekends ago. I've now purchased a couch, a loveseat, a dining room table with six chairs, a kitchen cart, and a bookshelf from good ol Craigslist {over the past few years}. I'm officially obsessed...
*pictures of the bookshelf and apartment in general coming soon. I promise!
I think that's all of the randomness I have to share. My family is coming to visit next weekend and I am over the moon excited!!!! The countdown has begun!
I'll be back sooner than later for another post... for real this time ;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the Birthday wishes. Loved seeing all the pictures.