Wednesday, July 18, 2012

What We've Learned {So Far}

So living in Chicago is quite a bit different than living in Tuscaloosa, Alabama... well at least in some ways. For example...
-Driving... -when we moved here, I swore I would never drive. Well guess what- I drove yesterday {just down the road a bit to a shopping center, but still!}! Driving is a bit tricky, but in certain areas it feels just like you're driving in T-town. But, parking... now that's tricky everywhere!
-Speaking of parking... don't try to drive to the beach... you will not be able to park... we had to walk about a mile from our car to the beach... next time we will take a cab,a bus, walk... not drive! And don't drive if you want to go out to dinner... you have to pay to park at all of the restaurants if they even have parking!
-The beach... the beaches here are pretty different than what we were used to. The sand is dark and coarse. The water is cold! But it is pretty cool to have the beautiful Lake Michigan in front of you and the Chicago skyline behind you!!
from Z's iphone

-Mexican restaurants... not so much like the ones back home. Or maybe we just haven't found the right one. But so far, the "Mexican" is more like "Tex-Mex" here. No white queso dip... they all serve chili-con-queso {yellow cheese! :/}. And while the food is good, it is pretty pricey! Boy we are missing some El Rincon!
-Wal-Mart... so much nicer here! The closest one to us is a Wal-Mart Express. It is small but clean and has a good selection... no parking though ;)
I can't really think of anything else off the top of my head... and I was going to post a Wordless Wednesday picture collage, but I still can't find my camera cord. Oh well... Hopefully I'll find it SoOn!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad you decided to drive...parking sounds like a problem. Maybe I need to ship you some El Rincon or Taca Casa.