Thursday, January 28, 2016

Catch Up Pt.4

In April, Katie and Dan came to visit! We were super excited for our first guests in our new apartment! Especially since we actually have a guest bedroom and bed ;) They arrived late Thursday night, and Z and I both took off Friday to spend the day with them. We started the morning with brunch at Ann Sather's.. one of our favorites.. mainly for the cinnamon rolls and giant muffins! And then we did a little sight-seeing including the bean.
Later that night, we had dinner (honestly I can't remember where?!?!) and then we went to Second City which is a famous improv comedy club here in Chi-town. Sooo much fun and sooo funny!
The next day, we went to Milwaukee to see a Brewer's game... of course we did a little shopping first ;) Thankfully, the game was indoors since it was still a bit chilly!

We drove back after the game and had a late night dinner (can you call it dinner when it's midnightish!?) at Little Goat Diner... SO yum! Sunday, we took it easy with a slow morning. I'm trying to remember what all we did that day, haha! I know we shopped... of course ;) and we ate at Velvet Taco (mmmm!) and we hit up the art museum. I don't have any pictures and I'm having a hard time remembering what else we did that day. But I know we enjoyed visiting with and hanging out with my bestie and her hubby! Z and I both had to work Monday, so Katie and Dan did some more sightseeing and went to a Cubs game, so fun! And then they had to leave early Tuesday. The trip went by way too fast, as always!! But it was a blast to have them here!!

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