Well, hello there ;) I have definitely neglected this little blog lately. Who knew that teaching until 5:30 every day would be so exhausting?? Ha, I did! I have been lead teacher for 2 weeks now, and it's been really good. It's completely different than when I was teaching in Alabama. Good, but different. This past week was my first week to actually lead all of the lessons. We had Monday off, so I survived a 4 day week ;) Out of the 4 days, I would say that 1 day was pretty smooth and successful. 1 out of 4 doesn't seem that great, ha! But it was the first week. So I feel confident that I'll quickly learn how to plan and then tweak my lessons in the future. Also, I think it actually went better than I think it did. I've had a few parents mention all of the facts about the moon that their kids are talking about at home. I guess that equals success too?! I did actually lead last Friday because my co-teacher was off for the day. My kids were so sweet that day. They kept thanking me for teaching them, and one little girl at the end of the day said, "This was the best day ever!!!" It was just the boost I needed ;) Another little girl said, "You are full of creative ideas, Ms. Brook!" So sweet. Even if I'm completely spent by the time I get home, it is so worth it when you hear little comments like that!!
In other news, we're about to get Chiberia part two. It hasn't been above 20 degrees in at least a week. Maybe two weeks? And the highs for Monday and Tuesday next week are in the negatives again. Will winter ever end?!?! I think that the cold weather is adding to my being so tired every day. Teaching from 8:30-5:30 is always a long day. Being stuck inside {with 20 littles with SO much energy} from 8:30-5:30 equals an extra long day!! Plus, when I leave I just want to go home and wrap up in blankets! You can guess how many times I've gotten back out to go to the gym... Oh well. The countdown til spring is on!
Well I hope you have a lovely weekend. I'm about to make some banana muffins with greek yogurt.. yum! Happy Saturday!
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