Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Chiberia... Day Two

Well, I'm home for another day due to "extreme weather". It's warmer today though... only -7 right now, and it feels like -24, which is a big improvement from yesterday ;) Z had to brave the weather again to go to work. He didn't seem to mind too much. Me, I'm cuddled under two blankets with a cup of coffee. I didn't go outside for more than maybe 10 seconds yesterday. Maybe I'll make it out a bit more today?! It is supposed to make it to positive temps by this afternoon, so we'll see ;)  So what when stuck inside all day? Bake, ha! In the past few days, I've made banana muffins, oatmeal cookies, chicken salad, and crock-pot meals. And pinned/planned enough meals for the month I think... bored, much?!
At least we're not alone in our frigidness. Most of the country is frozen as well. I feel for all of my family in Alabama where they're having record low temps too... plus I've seen on facebook where many people there have lost power or have frozen pipes. I hope we can all thaw out SOON! It looks like by Friday we will have a few days of above freezing temps, which will be quite a welcomed change! Here's hoping my next post has NOTHING to do with weather ;)

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