Hope you all had a lovely weekend! Ours was nice... pretty low-key. Friday we had a coffee date... my favorite. I love sitting and chatting with Z over a yummy cup of coffee... especially when it's cold and rainy. Perfect. Then we got Chinese take-out and cozied up at home. It was a really nice, relaxing night. Saturday, I met two girlfriends at Bang Bang Pie Shop... cutest little pie shop ever!! And the pie was ah-mazing. We all had biscuits and gravy {YUM!}, and we each got pie to go. So Z and I devoured our chocolate pie later that night ;) So.good. I also went with one of my friends to the new outlet malls in Chicago. It was a really fun afternoon. Got me thinking about all of the Christmas gifts I need to buy soon... eek! Saturday night, Z and I were feeling a little lost without a Bama game to watch... we ended up ordering a pizza and watching a few other games that were on tv. But we're already excited to watch the Tide this weekend! Sunday, we walked to church and then grabbed some yummy lunch at a little cafe near our apartment. {We totally were planning to eat leftover take-out food, but then I mentioned french fries, and we ended up getting sandwiches and fries instead, ha!} We also ran a few errands and watched a movie. And then somehow the weekend was over... crazy.
And also, somehow it's November?!?! So excited/ready to be heading home in a few weeks for Thanksgiving!
So here's what's on the menu at the Stokes house this week...
Monday- homemade chicken pot pie
Tuesday- homemade red beans and rice. I'm going to try this new recipe from Pearls Handcuffs and Happy Hour
Wednesday- I have professional development seminar... Z's having cereal ;)
Thursday- hamburger steaks with mashed potatoes
Friday- chicken burritos
We're also excited that Katie is coming to stay with us this weekend!! Can't wait!
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