Monday, September 16, 2013

Stephanie came to visit!!

Last Wednesday, one of my besties came to Chicago for a visit! And I was super excited to see her and to explore Chi-town with her ;)
I was able to take the day off on Wednesday... so I dropped Z off at work and headed to the airport to pick her up! Yay! We took her luggage to our apartment, and then headed out for brunch. We went to Hash House a Go Go... SO yummy! I had my favorite, an egg scramble with spinach, ham, and cheddar. And Stephanie had a Snicker's pancake... delicious!! Plus, the first scramble they brought out was not the one I ordered, so we ended up with a third entree!!!
Biggest pancake EVER!
Such a fun, yummy brunch!
After brunch, we walked down to Michigan Avenue and did a little shopping! Always a good idea ;) We then headed back to the apartment to chill for a bit, and to watch a marathon of House Hunters, ha! We picked Z up from work later that afternoon, and ran to the market for a few dinner items. Joe and Lolly came over, and we grilled out some yummy hamburgers on pretzel buns... mmm!
Thursday, both Z and I had to work. Stephanie decided to go on an architecture boat tour, one of my favorite things to do in Chicago! I got off at 2, and took a train to meet her downtown at the Sears Tower {technically now the Willis Tower}. And we headed to the Skydeck!! So much fun, and such a fabulous view!!! I wish that I had better pics... but the lighting was no good for my iphone camera :/ Stephanie got a few great ones with her actual camera though!
 We left the Skydeck and headed to Crumbs for some cupcakes! They were yummy, but I have to say that Sprinkles cupcakes are still my favorite!!We also made a trip to Target... favorite errand ever ;) That night we just stayed in, made some yummy Mexican food, and relaxed!
Z and I both had to work again Friday. The weather was ah-mazing... and it felt like FALL! I even wore a blazer to work and had a pumpkin spice latte ;) Love!! After work, I met Z and Stephanie back at the apartment. We did a little shopping near North Avenue, and then had TWO yummy snacks... We split a peanut butter and jelly doughnut from Glazed and Infused {YUM!!!} and some cheese fries from Edzo's {also yum!}! Then we took Stephanie to Wrigley Field...
Later that night, we met Joe and Lolly at Homeslice Pizza in Lincoln Park for a yummy dinner! Thankfully we had to wait forever, because we were all still a little full from our "snacks" earlier ;)
Saturday, we woke up ready to watch some football!! Z even set an alarm so he could watch Gameday ;) We walked over to Starbucks for coffee {pumpkin spice latte!!!} and to Panera for some bagels! It was super chilly, and I even wore my Alabama sweatshirt to run our errands :) Later, we got ready and headed to Joe and Lolly's to watch the big game! It was super close, and so exciting! Roll Tide!
Even our sweet friends that are from Ohio wore red to support the Tide!
Loved cheering on the Tide with you, Stephanie!
My sweet, handsome hubby!
It was a super fun day! Stephanie had to leave early Sunday morning to make it back to work Sunday night... Z and I took her to the airport at 6 am and came back home and crashed! It was such a great weekend and such a fun time visiting with my sweet friend!! Love you Stephanie!

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