Friday, September 27, 2013

Happy Friday!!

Yippee for the weekend! I love Fridays... and weekends ;) So here's the thing... I don't really cook much during the weekend. But now that football season is back, I do love to have yummy snacks around... so I like to whip up quick things that we can munch on. I thought today I would highlight a few recipes that I want to make for weekend treats!
But first, I wanted to say a special "good luck" to my dad's football team tonight! It's their homecoming... so go Tigers!! Love you dad!
Now... here are a few things that I'm planning to each item to go to the recipe...{All of these are from my pinterest board}
-For breakfasts- pumpkin bread... my FAVORITE fall treat!!
-For the game- taco pizza, white cheese dip, buffalo chicken croissants, sweet and salty pretzel bites {I sub dark chocolate kisses for the hershey's hugs... so yummy!}, and apple pie snickerdoodle bars  all sound SO yummy! I'll have to decide on just a few things though ;)
-For Sunday night- {I love to make a quick, yummy dinner on Sunday evening. Z and I often watch a movie or just hang out before our busy week!} feta, onion, and spinach quesadillas {for me at least ;) Z will prefer a chicken quesadilla}
Check back monday for a new menu planning Monday... yep, I'm bringing it back, ha!
Have a wonderful weekend!!!

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