Friday, August 30, 2013

Summer is the Best

Oh my... how is it already September?! Wednesday was our last day of summer camp at school, and yesterday we flipped our classroom to get ready for the fall semester {that starts Tuesday}... I feel like I was just blogging about the beginning of summer camp and now it's over?! 
As a follow up to my last post about my summer bucket list, I thought I would make a list of the fun things we have already done this summer. I do feel like it's gone by crazy fast and we haven't really taken full advantage, but we have squeezed in some summer fun ;) Here are a few things I have *loved* this summer...
-Moved to a new neighborhood, love
-Explored our new neighborhood, LOVE
-Made a few trips to the beach
-Tried a lot of new restaurants
-Grilled out with friends
-Enjoyed dinner with friends on their rooftop deck
-I joined a Bible study
-Z went on a fishing trip with the guys he works with
-Visited the farmer's market
-Checked out a street festival, and heard Sister Hazel while there
-Found the yummiest milkshakes in Chicago
-Walked all over Chicago
-Watched a bazillion movies
-Made multiple trips to the Lincoln Park Zoo
-I explored Chicago through the eyes of 20 three year olds, ha!

So it has been an amazing summer. We are seriously loving Chicago! And I'm really looking forward to fall here. Plus football games! I *love* fall and all that goes with it ;) But we have a few weeks left {I hope} of summer-ish weather, so I'm planning on taking full advantage! I really want to mark a few things off that summer bucket list! And then I'll be ready for my fall bucket list... coming soon ;)
Enjoy your weekend sweet friends!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Better Late than Never {summer} Bucket List

It is starting to sink in that summer is almost over! We have had a *very* mild summer {except for that week I complained about the heat}... like 70's most days. When my family was in town, it was even chilly. Crazy. I'm really thankful though. Especially considering that I'm outside most of each day at work. But the cooler temps combined with teaching through the summer has left me feeling like we haven't really had a summer yet. So, to remedy the fact that I feel like I haven't taken advantage of said summer, I made a summer bucket list last night. I thought about one at the beginning of the summer, but I finally wrote it down {better late than never, eh?}.
Here are a few things on my let's-make-the-most-of-the-rest-of-our-summer bucket list...
-make homemade icecream
-visit the Oak St Beach
-go to the Lincoln Hotel's rooftop deck
-go to a movie in the park
-have a picnic
-go to the Randolph Street Market
-take a *really* long walk on the Lakeshore path
-try a few more restaurants, while they still have awesome patios open!
So I figure we have a few weeks to check off as much as possible from the list. And maybe I'll even think to take pictures so I can blog about our last few summer adventures ;)
Hope you're enjoying soaking up the last bit of summer too!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Happy Birthday Bryant!!!!

Happy Birthday to the funniest, craziest, best brother! So thankful to have such an amazing brother and friend. Hope you have a fabulous, wonderful birthday! I love you!

{And Z too!}

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Family Visit... part 2

Sunday morning, we woke up and headed to church. Z and I go to Park Community Church in Lincoln Park... just down the road from our apartment. I was so glad that my family got to go to with us while they were here! After church, we got brunch at our very favorite place... Jam and Honey! SO yummy!!! Everything there is amazing... the omelets, egg sandwiches, and especially the stuffed french toast!

Bryant and Dad at brunch
Me and my mom at brunch
The whole family outside of Jam and Honey
After such an amazing and filling brunch, we needed a rest, ha! We headed back to the apartment for a while. Later that afternoon, I took my parents over to the lake. The view there is so beautiful. We really enjoyed just taking it all in!
Love my daddy so much!

Such a relaxing spot by the lake

The Diversey Harbor down the street from our apartment. And such a cute pic of my parents!


Love you, Mom!
That evening, we all piled in the car and drove around to see a few other parts of the city. I didn't take any pictures, but we went to Chinatown, the Loop, and Southloop. There are so many different neighborhoods in Chicago. It's amazing to see how different each area of the city really is!
For dinner that night {pretty late that night since we had such an amazing brunch!}, we ordered wings. When my family arrived, Bryant asked if we had ever tried Wingstop. We had not, even though it is only one block from our new apartment. So we ordered some food, and the guys walked over to pick it up. It was so yummy!!! You really can't go wrong with wings and fries ;) We ended the night with another movie {Z and I are big movie fans, ha!}. Another great day!

Monday, Z and I both had to work. It was a little sad to leave my family for the day, but I couldn't get off on Monday :/ It worked out fine though. I took the bus {as usual} and left the car for my family... and asked them to pick me up ;) So once I got off at 2  we walked around Old Town {near my school} for a while. This is one of my favorite areas of Chicago, so I was glad we got a chance to explore! We checked out the bike shop, olive oil store, spice shop, and fudge shop. We also went to the cutest little coffee shop down the street from our apartment, which was perfect since I needed a little pick-me-up after the crazy day I had! Z worked until about 6, and then we all headed to the Cubs game!!! We decided to walk. It's about a mile to Wrigley, and we knew parking wasn't an option. It was such a nice night, so it ended up being a great walk! The game was so much fun. We got hot dogs and beers/sodas for dinner, yum! The Cubs ended up losing {normal}. But it was such a fun night!

Family pic at the Cubs game. It was a perfect night for baseball!
These two are trouble when they get together, ha!
My sweet hubby!
Such a fun night!

Tuesday was my mom's birthday!!! Z had to work, but thankfully, I got the day off ;) We had a pretty lazy morning. I made bran muffins and coffee, and we watched the Today show {my favorite!} A little later on, my mom and I went to a few adorable shops in Lincoln Park, including Lush {such an amazing shop where they sell handmade beauty products} and Glazed and Infused {the yummiest doughnut shop I have ever been to!!}. It was a lot fun! We went back to the apartment, loaded up the car and picked up my dad and brother. Then we headed to REI {an outdoor store} and downtown for Garrett's Popcorn {yum!} and to pick up Z. We had a dinner reservation for my mom's bday at Topo Gigio, an Italian restaurant in Old Town. It was so delicious and such a fun birthday celebration dinner!! We even topped it off with tiramisu... YUM!!
Mom's birthday dinner at Topo Gigio'
Happy birthday Mom! That tiramisu was so yum!
Sadly, after dinner we had to take them to the airport :/ It was hard to say goodbye, but hopefully we're headed down soon enough so it won't be too long before we see them again. I'm so thankful for the time we got to spend together exploring Chicago!!! I miss them all already :( and can't wait to see them again soooon! Thanks for the fun time together and the amazing memories!