Friday, May 31, 2013

Summer Break

Today I am enjoying my one day of summer break, ha! {since we're a year round school and all, today is literally my one day off until the fourth of July} ... Yesterday was the last day of the regular school year. I was so.SO.sad to say goodbye to my little pumpkins! I didn't expect to feel SO attached after only a few months, but they definitely stole my heart! I feel so blessed to have such an amazing job... I'm crazy about the people I work with, the amazing teachers, families, and children! The parents showered us with so many amazing gifts to say thank you... I was shocked and feeling so extremely blessed since I have only been with their children since February. So thankful! We had a school-wide end of the year picnic in Lincoln Park to celebrate a great year, and then cleaned the entire classroom top to bottom. I was EXHAUSTED last night! But it was a great day. Monday is the first day of summer camp with our new little sweeties. I'm excited about teaching this summer, but feeling a little sad that I don't have an actual summer break! Although, summer camp consists of weekly trips to the beach and the zoo, and picnics twice a week in Lincoln Park... so at least we will be outside enjoying our beautiful city!
On another note... we had an amazing trip home a few weekends ago. I have no pictures to share and feel sad that I haven't blogged about it before now... We got to see our families and celebrate with Z's brother for his high school graduation. Wish we could have stayed longer, but we enjoyed every second while we were there! I'm REALLY hoping we can drive {or fly?!} back down soon and make a little trip to the beach! ;)
Last weekend, Memorial Day weekend, was a bit bleh around here. It was in the 50s and 60s and rainy most of the weekend :/ Not exactly great bbq-ing weather... but we did enjoy a movie date and tried a few new restaurants... It wasn't laying out on the beach, but it was a good weekend!
Well, I'm off to enjoy my summer break day off... it's only one day so I better make the most of it! ;) Have a great weekend!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to our wonderful moms!!! We love you both SO much! Can't wait to see you next week :) 

Also, happy Mother's Day to our amazing grandmas.. Nana, Mimi, Grandma Suzie, Mawmaw, and Grammy!! {not sure why Mawmaw didn't make this picture :/} Love you all so much!
At school on Friday, we had a mom tell us {her child's three teachers} happy mother's day. She said we were her child's school moms! We do get called "mom" quite a bit ;) and we do love them all as if they were our own! So happy mother's day to all of the wonderful teachers I know as well!
Z and B

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Catching Up

So happy it's the weekend around here! Seems like it was such a busy week. Last weekend was SO much fun with Katie being in town!!!! I even took Monday off to hang out with her. But then the rest of the week seemed to draaag by... glad we finally made it to Friday ;)
Only one more week until we will be in Ttown to celebrate Z's little younger brother's graduation! So crazy. He was only in fourth grade when Z and I started dating... now he's graduating high school! Can't wait to get there and see all of our family! 
I'm feeling a little sad that we won't be with our wonderful mom's on Mother's Day this year... we will have to celebrate that too next weekend!
Yesterday, my class went to the zoo to see the reptile exhibit. It was such a different experience than a typical field trip to the zoo like I used to plan when we lived in Alabama... no need for buses or a bazillion parents to drive, we walked! It was just our 19 littles and the 3 teachers... no parents. The kiddos held on to their rope loops just like they do everyday when we walk to the park.. so different! It was a quick trip. So crowded and so cold. But it was a fun day!
Here are a few pics of our weekend with Kate.. such a blast! We ate SO much yummy food, shopped some, went to Navy Pier, checked out the John Hancock building, saw the bean, went to a Cubs game, and just caught up! Miss you already Katie!!
waiting for a water taxi to Navy Pier

Signature Lounge in the John Hancock building

the bean

Navy Pier {and Starbucks, of course!}

love you friend!
Cubs game
Hope you all have a great weekend!!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Current Obsessions

First of all... we had two glorious days of sunny, hot warm weather this week. I wore a dress without tights and boots!  It was so nice. Felt like spring! And then... cold. rain. meh. But, here's hoping the weekend weather is nicer than the last two days! Moving on...
Right now, I just can't get enough of...
-La Croix- delicious, slightly flavored soda waters. I drink one {okay sometimes more} And with no calories, artificial sweeteners, or sodium, I don't even feel bad about it ;) Love!
-Tates Chocolate Chip Cookies. Ever tried one? They are ridiculously expensive. {And full of calories and such, but so worth it!} I found them at World Market {after a friend from work let me try one of hers!}. They're crispy, but so so good!
-Ann Sather's Cinnamon Rolls. Oh my. A few Saturdays ago, I asked Z what he wanted for breakfast, and he said cinnamon rolls. I can always go for a sweet treat! So I googled yummiest cinnamon rolls in Chicago, and came up with a restaurant in Lincoln Park called Ann Sathers. We were NOT disappointed! They were  huge, gooey, and sooo good!
-Walks through Old Town and Lincoln Park. Um, by far my favorite areas in Chicago! When the weather is nice, this is my favorite thing to do with Z! I really hope we can move to one of these lovely neighborhoods soon!!
-My striped Keds. Yep, I ordered some black and white striped Keds sneakers. Kinda took me back to when I was 5ish... I always wore white keds! They're pretty cute ;)
-Lululemon athletic apparel. This is an unfortunate obsession because it is so expensive. I got a few pieces for my birthday, and I seriously wear, wash, and wear again every week! It makes me happy to work out in cute work out clothes! I'll have to keep watching the sale racks to get more though ;)
-Downton Abbey. Not sure how I'm so late jumping on this bandwagon, but I love this show! I'm feeling pretty sad that season 3 seems to be unavailable to watch for free :/ I guess I might have to break down and purchase through Amazon prime... maybe. Love it though!
Enough of this randomness... Can't wait until Kate gets here tomorrow to spend the weekend with us!! Love, love having visitors! :) AHave a great weekend!