Monday, January 7, 2013

Hello 2013!

Wow... I have not posted on the ol' blog in quite some time!!! We had a fabulous Christmas and a wonderful New Years... and I can.not.believe it's all already over! I will rewind a bit... 
I left Chi-town a week before Christmas to spend some time with my fam. I enjoyed every second!!! Shopping, watching movies, celebrating my dad's birthday, wrapping gifts, and just being lazy! Loved it! Z drove down a few days later, and then the whirlwind of family Christmas gatherings began ;) We spent some time with my dad's family at the beach, had "Christmas morning" a few days early with my family, drove to T-town in time to spend Christmas eve with some of Z's extended family, had Christmas morning at Z's parents' house, and then made the rounds to see both of our extended families on Christmas day! I wouldn't trade a crazy second of it all for anything though... we have the best families and it was so wonderful to spend some time with them all!!! 
We drove back on December 27th with my brother and Z's sister. We had a car FULL of luggage, ha! And there was so much snow through a good part of our drive. Thankfully the roads were completely clear, and we made it back safe and sound in a little over 12 hours! 
My parents flew in on December 28th to spend a few days with us here in Chicago... and we had such a great time {despite the COLD weather and my brother getting sick :/}!! And then my brother stayed with us until last Friday! It all went by way too fast and I'm missing all of my family something fierce today. But I am so thankful for the time that we got to spend together both here and there!!! Picture filled post of their visit here coming tomorrow ;)
One last random thing... We cannot wait until the big game tonight! The local news has been showing segments from Miami the last few days, interviewing Notre Dame players and fans. Also, Notre Dame flags, shirts, etc. are everywhere up here! Don't worry though... we are definitely representing the tide today ;)  
Roll Tide from Chicago!!!

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