Friday, January 18, 2013

Happy Friday!

So I have to admit that I'm a little bit *jealous* of the snow y'all got in Alabama! Ha! I'm pretty sure you guys got more than we've had up here!!! It's just COLD here... and really if it's going to be this cold, it should SNOW!! So I'm *kind of* wishing we were in Ttown yesterday to enjoy the snow day ;) Oh well... speaking of cold... I just saw a local news weather forecast for next week. Monday's low is zero. ZERO. What in the world?! That is not okay!! Here's hoping we make it through the winter! ;)
Yesterday I subbed for a first grade class at the little school right by our apartment.. loved it! I did, however, forget my gloves, scarf, and toboggan during recess duty... not my brightest moment {it was about 28 degrees}! Glad my coat has warm pockets and a hood ;) Oh and by the way, I still think it is *crazy* to have outside recess when it is so cold! We used to cancel outdoor play time if it dropped below 40, ha!
So glad it's Friday!! And even more excited that Z is off on Monday!!! We have NO plans this weekend, and I couldn't be happier about that!! {Although whatever we end up doing, I can almost guarantee it will be INDOORS!}
Oh yeah, so we're still trying to figure out all of the logistics with moving at the end of this month {when our current lease is up}... trusting that the Lord has it all in His hands! Here are a few verses that I came across yesterday that always are so comforting, even when things seem a little crazy!!
Luke 16:22,25,31
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear...Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?...But seek first His kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well."
Have a great weekend friends!

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