Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Tis the Season

-Last weekend we went to see the Joffrey Ballet production of the Nutcracker... loved it!! It was an early Christmas present from Z; have I mentioned I have the best husband ;) In the past, my mom and I always would go to the local production of the Nutcracker in T-town. It seemed like every year one or both of us had sweet little students in the ballet {often they would give us tickets!}, and it was just a fun tradition we started. So it was a special treat to see such a famous production of one of my Christmas faves!!!
-I'm still waaay behind on Christmas shopping... we do have 4 wrapped gifts under our tree though!
-Less than a week until I head home!! Sad Z can't go with me until later in the week, but looking forward to time with my family!!!
-Still no snow here in Chicago... apparently this is like record breaking and all... December 16th is the latest recorded first snow... I'm a little disappointed :/
-Last night I made homemade shrimp fried rice {which is one of Z's favorites} and it was actually good! The original recipe called for teriyaki chicken, which would be delish as well!
-I really love having our apartment decorated for Christmas! It's going to look so bare when we take it all down :/
-I did finally make some Christmas cookies... already in the mood to make more!
-I am trying to make a conscious effort this year to focus on the TRUE meaning of Christmas. Not that I don't usually, but it's pretty easy to get caught up in trying to find the perfect gift or other crazy things. Instead, I want to slow down and remember why we celebrate in the first place!
I love this print that I found on pinterest!! Such a welcome reminder of what this time of year is really all about!

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