Monday, August 6, 2012

The Teaching Blues

Well it is that time of year for all things back to school. And I have to say it feels so weird not to be in a tizzy right about now trying to get a classroom ready! Like really weird. I loved teaching back home... loved my kinders and then my firsties... loved the school I taught at... loved, loved, loved the girls I taught with! But I haven't felt compelled to jump into a teaching job here. I knew I wanted some time just to adjust to the move... and I couldn't imagine having to scramble to get a new classroom ready right away. So now I have the teaching blues! Ha ;) I can't even go to Target without feeling like I should fill my cart with dollar items for my non-existent classroom! I told Z that I know all of this points to the fact that I will definitely teach again soon. Maybe here, maybe not. But at some point for sure. Until then, here are a few teaching blog ideas that I'm loving right now...

Mailbox Math-
This is from one of my favorite  teaching blogs, The First Grade Parade. I love Cara's idea of combining literature and math with her mailbox math idea. So cute! Click the link for more info...

A Book Ambulance from Step Into Second Grade...
Such a great idea for the poor books in a firstie classroom... no matter how much you talk about taking care of the books, pages are going to be torn!

Gold Tag Behavior System from A Teeny Tiny Teacher

I loved my clip chart behavior system last year, but I think the gold tags would also be a really successful way to manage behavior in the classroom!

Fabulous in First's Cooking up Morning Fun is a great way to keep the kiddos working during morning work time or when they finish seatwork, etc. {Sorry no pic! Check out the link though.}

These football players and cheerleaders are super cute from Doodle Bugs Teaching. They would make an adorable bulletin board or door decor!

And I'm in love with this classroom over at Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits...
How cute is that rug! I think this classroom would be perfect for older grades too. She talks about how she wanted her room to feel "homey", and it does for sure! So cute!!

Well this was probably not a very interesting post to most... but I just had to put some of these school ideas somewhere, ha! On another note, we have had guests staying with us for the past week or so! So fun for sure! I haven't posted a menu in a while because we have been eating out A LOT since we've had family and friends in town. But this week, it's back to home cooking ;) Here's a quick line up for what's on the menu for this week...
Monday- blackened chicken, yellow rice, steamed vegetables
Tuesday- upside down pizza {my mom's recipe- more on that later!}
Wednesday- shrimp pasta and asparagus
Thursday- grilled chicken sliders and roasted potatoes
Friday- ???

Have a great week!

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