You will never believe it but... we bought roller blades, ha! For those of you who know me, you know this was all Z's idea ;)
I am the least likely person to own roller blades as an adult. No really, I am. I was the child who did not like to skate. The one who did not like skating rinks or birthday parties at the skating rink. The one who would not skate at said parties, or if I did I would stay on the carpet, true story. So yes, it is shocking that I now own roller blades! Z on the other hand is pretty much a pro. He was the child that had roller blades, the kind without a brake. He started a roller blade hockey team in his neighborhood. He probably had skating rink birthday parties. And I'm sure he won "wipe-out" and all of the other skating rink games I refused to participate in. So yes, the roller blades were Z's idea!
But here's a little secret... I kinda like my roller blades! I actually kinda think roller blading might be kinda a little fun! And we really do have the best place to use our skates... so I'm kinda glad Z talked me into getting some ;)
Plus, Z said roller blading will help prepare me for ice skating {which is a much bigger deal here than back home} which I have never tried. [Again, I did not like skating as a a child. I always just felt more stable on my own two feet without any wheels or blades under them thankyouverymuch.] But Z is helping me expand my horizons... or something like that ;) So roller blading, and ice skating, I will try! And let's just say I'm a very cautious skater... like I want to hold on to the rail or go super slow, ha! But Z promises that with some practice I'll be a pro {does he know who he married?!} I think I'm more likely to think I'm a pro and end up with a broken bone or something. I told him I definitely feel like I need the knee pads... and elbow pads... and a helmet... he just laughed {I don't think he knew how serious I was}. But really I am excited to try out some roller blading, and then ice skating, with Z!!
Plus, Z said roller blading will help prepare me for ice skating {which is a much bigger deal here than back home} which I have never tried. [Again, I did not like skating as a a child. I always just felt more stable on my own two feet without any wheels or blades under them thankyouverymuch.] But Z is helping me expand my horizons... or something like that ;) So roller blading, and ice skating, I will try! And let's just say I'm a very cautious skater... like I want to hold on to the rail or go super slow, ha! But Z promises that with some practice I'll be a pro {does he know who he married?!} I think I'm more likely to think I'm a pro and end up with a broken bone or something. I told him I definitely feel like I need the knee pads... and elbow pads... and a helmet... he just laughed {I don't think he knew how serious I was}. But really I am excited to try out some roller blading, and then ice skating, with Z!!
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