Friday, January 3, 2014

A Very Snowy Day

So over the past few days, we got around 12+ inches of snow! SO much SNOW!! Especially to these Southerners ;) And while I still think snow is so beautiful, I wouldn't mind if it didn't snow again until next year, ha! I stayed inside pretty much all day yesterday {which isn't my idea of a great day off} but I did walk to the mailbox and snapped a few pictures during the two minutes I was outside...

Despite my wish for no more snow, we're supposed to get more this weekend. Sigh. Although I think I should be more concerned about how cold it's supposed to be next week... -8 for the high Monday?!?! No thank you! {I know I post about the weather a lot, but it still seems so crazy to get so much snow or for it to get so cold! Plus, I also know we won't live here forever, and I'm sure I'll look back on these post and laugh one day ;)} Thank the Lord for our warm apartment and big coats!
Anyways... I also wanted to post about one of my favorite Christmas gifts that I received this year. It's something I didn't ask for, or wouldn't have really thought of... in my stocking, my mom put this adorable journal with small post-it style notes inside. She explained that she has a similar one that she uses to jot down favorite Bible verses, and then she can flip though it anytime she needs a little encouragement. So I spent a better part of my "snow day" filling my journal with a few favorite verses...

I also included a few quotes or sayings that are good reminders. Thank you mom for such a thoughtful gift! I love it ;)
Well the sun is actually out, and it's my last day of Christmas break, so I might try to venture out for a bit! Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

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